Scariest Movie ever!!

I was born in 1967, so when the Trilogy of Horror came out in 75 I was 8 years old, I can remember it like yesterday my whole family watching it on t.v. and I have never been more scared in my life then the episode with the doll that comes alive.

Thru out the years I have mentioned this movie to lots of people I have met and most people are like Huh?? ,.. but there is the odd few that are the same as me and say " yeah yeah , I remember that movie .. oh yeah , it scared me silly .. etc etc..

They sell this movie at our local Zeller's store and every time we go shopping my husband picks it up and taunts me with it! I can honestly say that now that I am 36 years old , I could never bring myself to ever seeing this movie again.. it has haunted me that much!!

So, if there is any other person out there who witnessed this movie as a child let me know your comments, I believe that everyone out there has a scary movie that they seen as a kid and it always remains the scariest movie forever. This one is mine.


DONNA..your husband must go to the same school of SICK TORTURE as mine, who will forver be putting ventriliquist dummies and clown dolls in bed with me while I sleep!!!! I remember seeing TRILOGY OF TERROR when I was about 17. The first two strories sort of drag and the misfortunate thing about that is I imagine SOME people must get fed up and stop watching...and they SHOULD watch the third part, its the best one. Now I have always been tweaked by the "dolls coming to life" premise...but even I found myself laughing after awhile as the doll(and Karen!) screamed and screamed and screamed some more. But oddly, unlike other movies where its just so stupid you laugh...this is actually a little on the scarey side. The doll is freaky looking and I wouldve thrown it out the second I opened the box!!! I am also going to side with the poster that said that the end scene where karen calls a friend over and then grunts and seethes with a knife(spear???) in her hand...she has BECOME the evil Zuni!!!...that sticks with me. I remember having a "not so good" feeling as I rewiound the tape, ands then having a hard time shaking the feeling the rest of the night. The remake...part 2 ...whatever...was NOT as good...why fix what isnt broken? People will always remember the third segment of TRILOGY OF TERROR. Some for the funny aspect, some for the fear. I says if a movie can stay in your memory like this one can...thats pretty damn good! (P.s: my childhood creepy movie was called THE OTHER about a good rwin and an evil twin. Brrrrrrrrr!)


I was trying to find the title of this movie for YEARS! I finally posted on this board and someone answered (Thank You!!!!) I also saw this movie at a very young age. I believe it was 1988, I was 5 years old. My parents and I were over at their friends house and their daughter was watching the movie. I happened to be in the room with her and my mom came in and scolded me for watching so I put a blanket over my head and watched through the holes so she wouldn't see me watching. I was so incredibly scared out of my wits!!! This movie freaked the heck out of me and I had nightmares forever!!! I slept with the blanket over my head for about 7 years after that. I was a huge wuss. I'm so glad someone finally figured out the title for me, now I can watch it again and see if it was really that scary. Also, I can't believe how many people here have seen it and been traumatized by it. It seems to be quite popular. I was beginning to think I imagined it all, but obviously not.


Oh, I remember this one all right. It scared the crap out of me as a kid. That doll was evil personified and there is something about Karen Black that makes her freaky to me, even during a non scary part. She is also creepy in Burnt Offerings, another creepy movie bythe same director. We were the first people on our block with a betamax and this was one of the first things I taped. Between Triolgy, Burned Offerings, Amityville Horror, The Omen and Phantasm, I had teh whole neighborhood freaked out. The gore stuff didn't bug me, its the supernatural stuff that made the hair on my neck stand up.


Ohohohohoh! a movie like that (so funny, yet at the end it's kind of creepy) was.. I think it was called the Highschool Slaughter something.. it's REALLY low budget where a kid born on april fools day gets back at classmates who made him spill acid all over himself and stuff. The opening song is really pathetic and has maniacal laughter and saying about how he's gonna get them all... it plays the song at the end too. In the beginning, my friend and I were laughing SO hard... then... it wasnt as funny. It was uneasy laughing, in the dark, wondering which of us was going to get off the bed and go turn on the light.



*** Marry me,Hal! ***


She's calling her mother over to experience the Zuni doll. That is pretty scary!


Wow, I had no idea so many other people were traumitized by this film when they were kids! I don't feel so alone now. My sister and I saw this film back in the early 80s and it scared the living crap out of me. I couldn't sleep for maybe 2 weeks straight after watching it. I kept thinking that damn doll was underneath my bed or opening my door. Every little noise that I heard in my room I thought was that bastard walking around my bed. UGH I never wanna go through that again! I used to hate taking baths cause of that scene where she tries to drown it in the tub and it pops it's ugly head out of the water. To this very day, I see a green old suitcase and I think of her trying to capture it in there. What I don't get is WHY on earth would she even buy such a hideous looking thing in the first place! I'd never bring such an evil looking thing like that into my living room and I would have tossed it outside the window the second I got my hands on it. The damn doll is scary enough just looking at it, when you add him running around like a maniac with that knife and making that horrible screaming sound well it's just a zillion times worse. I am 27 years old now and I have seen this movie since I was a child and I STILL find it very frightening. I try to laugh at how ridiculous the whole thing is but I can't get over my fear of it. To this day I won't watch it, I saw it on DVD the other day in a store and I nearly freaked just seeing the cover. I hope the people that made this movie know how many children and adults it has terrified over the years. Karen Black is once scary chick! She will always remind me of that movie and therefore I can never watch one of her movies again lol. We should start a Trilogy of Terror therapy group!! lol


I too had no idea how many people this little movie affected! I saw it when it originally aired on tv, I was 5 years old. My family had the lights off while watching it. If I remember correctly, they didn't want me to watch it, but somehow I got to. Like everyone else, the first 2 stories were so so, and then "Amelia" (3rd story) came on. After that night, I had nightmares...I mean true nightmares for at least a year because of that doll! Vivid dreams of it chasing me through the house. My parents were worried about me. Now I've been reading the other posts and noticed some people just found the whole thing funny. The one guy comparing it to "Freddy VS Jason". Ok, you're what, 17 years old? You were raised on movies with elaborate special effects. I'm sure Trilogy Of Terror was a joke to you because of that reason and the fact that you're 17. When I watch it now, it's not the same as when I was 5, but it will remain the scariest movie I have ever seen just because of what it did to me then. If they did somekind of remake today, it would be some stupid CG effect that the actor or actors wouldn't even see and give it crappy rock soundtrack. "Freddy VS Jason" is just eye-candy, and you're right, it isn't scary, it's a joke. Also "Freddy VS Jason wasn't sick, you want sick? Watch "August Underground" or better yet, "August Undergrounds Mordum".

Anyways, about 10 years later I found "Trilogy Of Terror" in a video store and I freaked out. The Zuni Fetish Doll was right on the cover! I showed my Dad and said we got to rent this. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea because of what it did to me when I was 5. I talked him into it though. I must say, I was even scared to put it in the VCR. Though it was still creepy, it definitly didn't have the same effect as when I was younger. I think the final scene with Karen Black was the scary thing at an older age...squatted on the floor with the knife, revealing her teeth and waiting for her Mom to come over. Just thinking about that gives me chills. I now own it on DVD and proud to have it in my collection of many horror films and it will remain one of the best and will always be in the back of my mind as the top scariest moment for me watching a film.

I always thought the Director Dan Curtis had it in for me. A year or so later he put out "Burnt Offerings" which also starred Karen Black. The final scene in that movie has stuck with me through the years too. I'll just say it has something to do with a face and a windshield. It's amazing what certain images can do when you're a child. If you haven't seen it, check it out. Karen Black also delivers another chilling look at the end. The entire movie is creepy. I found it on DVD for 10 bucks...well worth it.


hey don1970: "I've been waiting for you,Ben!"

isnt that the line from BURNT OFFERINGS? That scared the hell out of me too. Ah, karen gave good horror.


Yeah, that's it. I thought it was creepy...still do. A lot of people think the movie is boring (Burnt Offerings). I think I like it for nostalgic reasons. Same goes for Trilogy. I don't think too many people would appreciate them now.


I AM NOT ALONE.....THANK HEAVENS! I was born in 1969 so I was really young when I watched this movie (how could my parents allow such!) LOL! I remember no more about it than the segment about the Zuni doll coming to life. Believe me, that's all I needed. I'll be 36 next week and I still have some issues about dolls. When we were kids my sister and I were given those life-sized walk with me type dolls which were kept in the back of the closet under some stuff so I could hear them if they tried to get out :). That jackass Santa Claus brought my sister a Charlie McCarthy dummy for Christmas, which was soon after traded for a football. My fear of dolls was very well known amongst my friends so when I was 19 I stayed with my friend Juli. I was going up the stairs to her room and upon turning the corner came face to face with a doll standing on the stairs with a knife taped in it's hand. Yeah, you can imagine. I got married and have two children, a boy and a girl. The girl loves dolls.....wouldn't you know it. My sister-in-law has twin boys and also has a porcelain doll collection. She tells me that one day we will have it to give to our daughter, I just told her, "No, really, we're good." Now I am the only female volunteer firefighter in a station full of guys and there is NO WAY I'm telling them anything about this little phobia! I'd be doomed, DOOMED I tell ya!
Truly though, I never realized so many people had seen the movie nor that it had such an effect on people. I have mentioned it to people many times but no one seems to know what I am talking about so I am glad to find a safe haven here on the message board! LOL!
I guess I'll do like some of you have and go rent the movie again. Next time I hope the movie just sucks!


i watched this movie when i was 6 or 7?.. and the 3rd short story scared the living daylights out of me. I couldn't sleep at night thinking that little doll was in the house i kept my feet and knees away from the edge of the bed in fear it would grab me. And to this day, i can still hear that awful sound it would make. And those of you who have seen it know what sound i mean.


I was born in 1965 and saw this movie when I was about 10. The 3rd segment, scared the living poop out of me! My family still talks about this movie, in fact we were discussing it last night at dinner. My sister, brothers and cousin are all still affected by this movie. The scene that did it for me was the knife under the bathroom door, since then, I can't look at the bathroom door without thinking of that scene. At night, I had to make an effort not to let my feet or hands dangle over the side of my bed. I can still hear the scream of the African doll. This gets my vote as the scariest movie segment.
For those of you to young to remember, you would have had to watch the original at the time we did to truly experience the terror of this movie. At least you got a laugh from this movie. We get to groan and roll our eyes at the predictable and overtly grotesque excuses for horror movies nowdays. Last point, we saw this movie on TV for free. What did you pay to see the last movie that terrified you?


I was an evil brother and was always tormenting my sister. We were watching this movie called "Triligy of Terror" where this little African warrior doll, a Zuni Fetish doll, came to life and was hunting this poor lady in her apartment. The doll was about a foot high so it could fit under furniture and in very sneaky places. When it would attack it would yell yayayayayayaya. After watching the movie my sister went to her bedroom to read a book to try to get the movie out of her head. I snuck outside and frantically scratched on her screen yelling yayayayayayaya. Boy did she haul butt out of that room. Then later on she went to the bathroom before going to bed. I got under her bed and as she was getting in I grabbed her leg and yelled yayayayayayaya.


The other night my husband brought home a pinata for a party Im having next week. Its a clown. He put it in our bedroom and I said "Im not sleeping with that thing in here!" Do I even have to tell you the clown kept "moving" around the room closer and closer to the bed. Really people....its not funny. Doll fear is the worst fear ever.

Yesterday my sister brought up TRILOGY OF TERROR out of the clear blue sky and it just amazed me that this movie is brought up so often. People just cant erase it from thier minds.


*** Marry me,Hal! ***


Yeah.. I remember that, kind of. Even tho I was born in 86. *Waits for laughter*

Seriously. It was with Trilogy of Terror II, tho. I was flipping between it and the Exorcist... I dont remember a bit of the Exorcist, but I remember parts of Trilogy of Terror II. I have it somewhere on tape.

That doll did fighten me a bit. But that was after I already had a few movies ingrained: Arachnaphobia (I am SO scared of spiders now it isnt funny. My boyfriend thinks I need to sit down and just.. watch it to get over it tho. He said it looks really fake. But he doesnt fool ME. I know those things are scary! Tee hee.) and Critters. Or whatever it was with the blackish things on the ground. That thing made me terrified to step foot on the ground at night.


OMG...could have been me who wrote that post -- except I was ten when I first saw that movie.

I still have trouble, to this day, reaching under a lampshade in a dimly lit!

"Talk about beauty and the beast - she's both."


My babysitter let me watch this when I was 3. My mom said that I wouldn't let her put me down when she was carrying me & I had nightmares for at least a month. I would run & jump to get on to my bed or couch & no WAY did I ever dangle my feet off them ever. (I still pull them up when I'm watching horror movies) My parents thought I needed counseling. (I probably did!) It wasn't until recently in a discussion of horror movies that someone told me the title. I said, "I remember a little black doll with teeth & a knife cutting a lady's ankles". Trauma. I want to watch it now & maybe get some closure.


The third segment with the Zuni Fetish Warrior Doll come to life has got to be one of the funniest, campiest bits I've ever watched! The four or five times I've seen it, I am in tears from laughter.

My favorite lines: "What's going on?" and "I don't know where I'm located!"

Also, when the doll is chomping down on Karen Black's neck in front of the oven, the looped vocal sounds of Karen do not match the non-movement of her mouth. Hilarious!
