Scariest Movie ever!!

I was born in 1967, so when the Trilogy of Horror came out in 75 I was 8 years old, I can remember it like yesterday my whole family watching it on t.v. and I have never been more scared in my life then the episode with the doll that comes alive.

Thru out the years I have mentioned this movie to lots of people I have met and most people are like Huh?? ,.. but there is the odd few that are the same as me and say " yeah yeah , I remember that movie .. oh yeah , it scared me silly .. etc etc..

They sell this movie at our local Zeller's store and every time we go shopping my husband picks it up and taunts me with it! I can honestly say that now that I am 36 years old , I could never bring myself to ever seeing this movie again.. it has haunted me that much!!

So, if there is any other person out there who witnessed this movie as a child let me know your comments, I believe that everyone out there has a scary movie that they seen as a kid and it always remains the scariest movie forever. This one is mine.


Never seen TOT but will soon.
The one movie that I avoided watching was "The Gates of Hell" aka "City of the Living Dead", an Italian horror movie about zombies. I used to see it sitting on the shelf at my local video store every time I visited and every time I said to myself "No way I'm renting that." even though I once saw a kid playing with the VHS box like a toy. For some odd reason I thought the kid was in danger of being possessed by it, lol!
Yes, I've seen it and own it on DVD now. But it still freaks me out and I never watch it before eating because it is quite gory.

Now I wonder what kind of effect TOT will have on me since I've heard so many talk about how that Zuni doll. The doll is that spooky, eh?



Im the one who started this crazy topic, and havent been on it since I started this topic. Wow, Im impressed by how many people this movie has affected. I guess what I was trying to say is that this is the first movie that really affected me being such a young age, it could of been the Exorcist or Chainsaw... but it was Trilogy of Terror. Everyone has that first movie that scared the you know what out of ya., and this was it for me !!

Plus it didnt help that my mother had a small wooden man on her dresser ( a present from her sister in Maylasia - probably spelt it wrong.. ) and refused to get rid of it, so I always worried that that blasted thing would come alive. We were watching CP24 yesterday for Halloween and one of the reporters said this was her scariest movie !! I bet Karen Black and producers would be proud , where ever their blessed hearts might be. I think I should fight my demons and actually see it for the second time , um what.. 31 years later.. I know that I will find it extremely funny now and I guess thats why I might not want to see it so it doesnt wreck my stories and memories , we distress over them but somehow we also enjoy them even if they are haunting. Dont you think ?!


Donna and Gazza -I was born in 1967 too and yes I totally agree -this was the one scary movie I saw as a kid which scared the living daylights out of me! That doll I'm amused to see is now available on Ebay as a handcrafted figurine -you could display one on your dresser!!!
I must buy a copy on DVD to relive my memories and see if it as really scary as I remember!


Yes, I have to admit that this trilogy scared the hell outta me as a kid. I w ill never foret that devil doll that wouldn't die!!1 have to thank my elder sis who "inducted" me into horror flix starting from Creature Feature every Fri night at midnight of course!!! Karen Black rulzzzz!!!

"I have seen and heard things in my life that are best left UNTOLD!"


I was twelve or thirteen when I saw Trilogy of Terror. Man, that doll was over the top! For years afterwards my brother and sister and I would refer to it. We could never remember the name of the movie - we thought the Zuni fetish segment WAS the movie. I rented the video a few years back and watched it with my niece and nephew. That doll still packs a punch!


I can relate because I saw it about 21 years ago and it scared the h!#* out of me.
My mom was laughing because she seen it before. I sat up just about the whole night looking out my door wondering if it was coming around the corner.


I was 12 when i first saw Trilogy, and it scarred me even more than the Exorcist (and that is saying something) for years i could not remember the name of the movie, i did remember it starred Karen Black, so i looked up Karen's movie list here and i found it, glad to see it is on dvd, now i can watch it again after all these years to see if it still holds up as i remembered it.


I was born in 1967 as well, and something people who are laughing at us for being scared by that doll, don't realize is, that things like this just weren't shown on TV back then. There weren't cable channels with less-heavily censored content-- the only thing you got cable for was better reception, and two or three extra channels from a few more cities away. Anyway, this was shown on broadcast network, and without a lot of hype. People who saw it just happened to see it in the printed schedule in the newspaper, and decide it sounded better than whatever the two other things were on, which were probably reruns.

The reason it wasn't hyped, was that "Trilogy of Terror" had been a proposed series-- a different guest star every week, in three different horror shorts (there were a lot of horror anthologies in the early seventies, like there were Westerns in the 50s, or "buddies" sitcoms in the 90s). The pilot never got picked up, but ABC had it in the can, so when it needed to fill a time slot, it scheduled it. It happened to show it early, if memory serves, 8pm, instead of 9 or 10, when the series would have aired, had it been picked up; the result of that was that a lot of little children who normally weren't the intended audience, got to see it.

Like a lot of people, I had a sitter that night. I had a younger brother, who was already in bed. I found the first two segments a snore, but the last one scared the bejezus out of me. It's become enshrined in popular memory-- everyone knows what you mean if you refer to the devil doll that tried to kill Karen Black, although most people have no idea what happened in the first two segments.

If the thing had been picked up, aired at ten pm some day in the Fall, with a bunch of new pilots, and had aired a couple more eps, then been cancelled, probably no one would remember it.
