Scariest Movie ever!!

I was born in 1967, so when the Trilogy of Horror came out in 75 I was 8 years old, I can remember it like yesterday my whole family watching it on t.v. and I have never been more scared in my life then the episode with the doll that comes alive.

Thru out the years I have mentioned this movie to lots of people I have met and most people are like Huh?? ,.. but there is the odd few that are the same as me and say " yeah yeah , I remember that movie .. oh yeah , it scared me silly .. etc etc..

They sell this movie at our local Zeller's store and every time we go shopping my husband picks it up and taunts me with it! I can honestly say that now that I am 36 years old , I could never bring myself to ever seeing this movie again.. it has haunted me that much!!

So, if there is any other person out there who witnessed this movie as a child let me know your comments, I believe that everyone out there has a scary movie that they seen as a kid and it always remains the scariest movie forever. This one is mine.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa (you said trilogy of horror, there is another laugh hahahahahahahahaaha)



Same exact story here, only I was just 5 years old when I saw this movie on TV. It scared the crap out of me!

My brother and I used to mention it to each other when we were younger, but I hadn't thought about it for probably 15 years. For some reason, it spontaneously popped into my head tonight.

The internet is AMAZING. I went into Google and typed "movie doll suitcase oven knife" -- the few details I remembered after so many years, and lo, the first search result is a webpage with full description and even pictures of this movie!

I can't believe my parents let me watch this show -- I'd never let my youngen's watch something like this!


I was 9 when i first saw this film,after the first two stories i thought if this is horror bring on the exorcist i'm ready to watch that now.Then iwatched the third segment and two things happened,my bedroom light was left on that night and watching the exorcist was put on hold for almost 5 years.


I was 1 when I saw it, and i remember it so well, man was it scary


Me either. Thanks mom and dad for scarring me for life!


Same here, I was 7 or 8 when I saw it on TV. The doll was my number 1 fear for years. Well the doll and the shark from Jaws. LoL. To this day I feel a little creeped out reaching under a lamp shade to turn on a light, and now I'm almost 40. : )


Oh yeah, I remember this movie...well, at least I remember the last segment. My mom forbade me to watch the movie when she saw that it was coming on TV again...she remembered how it scared the bejesus out of my older brother and didn't want that to happen to me. Of course, being the all-American kid that I am, I watched it when she wasn't there. And I spent the next 2 weeks sleeping with the light on.


I've never even seen this movie, but many years ago a friend described it to me in detail. From just his description I had nightmares. When I finally saw the cover of the video years later I was amazed at how much the actual doll looked like what I had imagined. I am still too chicken to watch it (at 31 years old!) and I hope the writer/director/producers see this post and gloat over the fact that the movie is that scary.



Yeah!! I was two when I first saw this film........thank God I can't remember any of it.


My father let me watch this in 1976 when I was 8. He also took me to see Jaws and Alien when they first came out. Plus he would give me his horror novels after he read them. What the heck was wrong with him!? Times have definitely changed. Oh well, he did make me an avid reader and a movie buff. Anyway, the movie totally freaked me out. When I would close my eyes at night, all I would see is Black grinning with those teeth at the end. For the next twenty years I would bring it up with people and very few of them had seen it and would laugh at me for being scared of a TV movie. My older sisters were the only ones who understood (they were also traumatized). A few years ago I got my own copy and watch it about once a year. Doesn’t affect my like it did, but great for nostalgic purposes.



While it is creepy, it's hard not to laugh after a couple minutes of that doll with a knife twice the size of it, running full speed around an apartment screaming, lol. I actually like the second better because the first stories were better and the Zuni doll story taking place right after the original one, is practically exactly the same. Zuni doll-wise though, the first one is better.


Haven't seen this film but remakes usually are very crappy. Freddy vs Jason was pretty good though, should have been scarier though.


Christoffer, that's not a remake, that's the sequal.



I saw it in 75 at the age of 5, and like you wilson, my mother pretty much encouraged me into the realm of horror.(Happy to know I'm not the only one with a twisted parent!) It wasn't so much the doll that scared the crap out of me, but Karen Black crouching at the end of the segment with that knife and those super creepy teeth!!!!


Sadistic Dad!


The doll segment is easily the most terrifying thing I've seen (outside my own childhood dreams) - for weeks afterwards I would lie in bed and imagine the sheet being tugged as that little bastard got ready to pounce on me! I don't know how many hours' sleep I lost trying to stay awake with the light on. Eventually I started lying on the bed in the daytime, trying to kill the fear thru getting bored with it. There is no way I'd ever watch it again, and I definitely did NOT become a fan of horror movies thru it - just the opposite: I never want to go thru that again! And how old was I when I saw it? I'm stunned to discover that I was sixteen years old!



This made for TV movie was an anthology of horror tales.
The third tale, Prey, is the one that strikes terror into people who grew up in that era.
No other words can describe it other than a surrealistic nightmare with that little Zuni Fetish Doll chasing poor Ms. Black around...if you’ve seen it, and you were a young impressionable child at the time, you know what I mean, if not….do yourself a favor and watch it and try to imagine the feeling of being a kid while doing it. There's nothing funny about that little doll...not at all.
The doll was a little tribal thing with bear trap teeth and shiny metallic eyes that came to life, possessed by an evil spirit. The chase and battle with the little monster was terrifying but the ending was the real chiller for me.

After the doll is defeated…and Karen Black is possessed by the spirit…
Karen Black in her robe squatting on the floor with a butcher's knife, smiling with a mouth full of very sharp bear trap teeth....waiting for her mother to arrive! Brrrrrr!
