MovieChat Forums > TazMoose

TazMoose (1)



Who would want to show up here? There's like 3 of you trying to keep a conversation going by wanting to continue bashing and making rude jokes. Have a ball! I assure you this will be my one and only post here so no need to block (tho feel free to if you wish). I just checked in out of curiosity to see if any from imdb made it over via the link you were so heavily promoting. It's actually heartening to see like only 3 did. The decent people maybe were smart enough to stay away from the likes of you and maybe your other trolls have given some consideration to their actions and actually decided they were able to cut some negativity out of their life. Good for them - I wish them well. Obviously you were NOT able to break your habit as you were like a madman in the wee hours of imdb trying to beg everyone to come over here. And all your posts here have just been a continuation of your whining and name calling and inappropriate crap. Have fun! You two can go right ahead and post back and forth for hours talking about whether the kids on the show masturbated and how many people Caroline had sex with and how Charles was a moron, and how the decent people that didn't care for that kind of stuff being posted nonstop are actually the bullies and that YOU are the righteous ones and so awesome because you're not "puritanical" or "prudes" or whatever word you think fits! Go for it! Have fun. :) As stated, this will be my only post and I will not be reading your replies. I wish you well. View all replies >