Fav song in the movie?

Mine is either Gethsemene or herods song


"Heaven On Their Minds" as sung by Carl Anderson. That man was amazing! There will be days when I sing or hum that song to myself all day, for no reason. I could really see the raw emotion on his face and hear the turmoil in his voice when he says, "We are occupied! Have you forgotten how put down we are?" The powerful feeling behind this song; I love my friend and I believe in what we're doing, but this is going to get us all killed!

"Hysteria is only possible with an audience."



Pilate's Dream
This Jesus Must Die
The Temple
Damned for All Time
Herod's Song

Hey, drop the chalupa!


I don't think Ted Neeley as recorded measures up to Ian Gillian. HOWEVER, the question is best song in the movie - and the "Gethsemane" scene in JCS '73 is one of the most transcendent things I've seen in any film. The lighting is perfect, Neeley's face alternately passionate and heartbreaking... it's just terrific.

From a pure song standpoint, "Heaven on their Minds" is pure dynamite. Explosive, stirring, and when perfectly-performed - as with the supernaturally-good Carl Anderson - it sends chills up the spine. Then again, anything Anderson touches in the movie seems to be gold: his reprise of "I Don't Know How to Love Him" is absolutely heartbreaking. I saw JCS on the current tour (featuring Neeley - still awesome!), and luckily the current Judas sold the material wonderfully, but nothing compares to that moment Anderson's full, sad eyes gaze heavenward, and he gasps out "does he - does he love me too? Does he care for ME?" Chilling.


I agree completely with what you wrote about Carl Anderson. His performance in the movie is/was golden.


Hate to be ambiguous but the whole thing is pretty great from start to finish. It would be easier to list the (maybe) one song I didn't like so much.






I heard the original album with Ian Gillan as Jesus in 1972, in my 6th grade CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) class, and was amazed by it. So it was no surprise that when the movie came out in the summer of 1973, I fell in love with it...I think I saw the movie almost thirty times...school was out and afternoon performances were $2! I think the entire work is a masterpiece, and the movie just brought it to life, so it's hard for me to choose a favorite.

I have to say, though, that Simon Zealotes is the scene I really look forward to. I love the song and the choreography, and the stop-action shots are unparalleled. For power and emotion, Gethsemane takes it. Ted Neeley really outdid himself with that number...and still does. I had the good fortune to see him perform in the live production a couple of years ago. He's still got it!

I converted to Judaism about six years ago, but I still watch this movie whenever it comes on, and I continue to love it as much as I did when I was a nice little Catholic girl!

"If you can't say anything nice, come sit by me!"


My favorite is: Could We Start Again Please?

I also really like Pilate's song right before the flogging. The begininng "And so, the King, is once again my guest, and why is this, was Herod unimpressed?" Is one of my favorite lines of any song. I don't know why. It just stuck with me.


I love the entire movie, with the exception of "I don't know how to love him", I think because I just heard it too much when I was a kid, but I also love Simon Zealotes song - I love the actor too, I think he's just so damn cute!!!


Definitely gotta be Gethsemene. And I actually like Ted Neeley's version best.


I like the garden song especially when it breaks to classic crucifixion artwork. The music grows with each image.

Herod's song-very Burlesque (look it up, people)...love the Dead Sea and the bright colors.

And Pilate's Dream (you know which one, it's his solo).


I liked so many but it's either "I don't know how to love him" or "damned for all time".


heaven on their minds

i dont know how to love him


damned for all time

in that order
