The book....

Does anyone else think that the book is far scarier than the movie? This book absolutely gave me the worst nightmares ever...!!!!


Hell yeah. Regan slithering around Sharon's feet like a snake was creepy as hell.


I thought it was scary when Reagan was chased by the demon and he started kicking her. Chris thought she was having seizures. Also, another part that freaked me out was when Reagan was looking for her dress and she heard those terrifying noises in the attic....


I enjoyed the book, but it didn't scare me. I was wondering if anyone read the sequel? If so, is it worth reading?


What is the name of the sequel book?


Legion. It was written by the same author. Basically it's the story that was used for The Exorcist Part III. Part III was an immense improvement over Part II, but it still had its faults.


Legion is a very good book. I've read it several times.


So is it Pazuzu, Visuzu or Isuzu?

Major points if you get where that was from.


It's Pazuzu.


I know.

If you've ever seen Joe Bob Briggs host the Exorcist II you'd know what I was talking about. The host segments to which I am referring are on youtube. You should watch them. They are funny as hell. Having said that, I really do enjoy The Exorcist Part II.


I prefer the book Legion to the original Exorcist book but I think the Exorcist film is a better adaptation


The book did manage to creep me out more than the movie. I don't really find the movie scary at all, except maybe for the spider walk scene! 😱


I think the conversation between Reagan and her mom when they talked about Sharon creeped me out too for some reason. It showed that Reagan didn’t remember saying and doing certain things to Sharon and maybe she was devil influenced at that time....


I read the book before seeing the movie. It was a huge best seller. My sister handed it to me and said, "Don't start reading this at night. You won't be able to put it down." I ignored her, started reading it that night, and could not stop until I finished it. At 3 AM or 4 AM, I said to myself, "Now i have to turn off the light..." A lot of people reported this experience.

I don't remember the differences between the book and the movie. I saw the movie with a friend, who had not read the book. I distinctly remember my friend (and many of the people in the theater) getting nervous when scary tense music was playing as there was a knock on the house door. I was smiling, as I knew from the book that it was simply the detective knocking on the door. The director knew how to build tension.

I have two uncles who both knew the author, William Peter Blatty. One knew him before he wrote the novel and the other knew him and his wife well, long after the book and movie were made.

The government of DC put a marker near the bottom of the Georgetown steps a few years ago, to commemorate the making of the film.
