Not scary at all

I just read a peace of the Exorcist being the most scary movie here:

I went to go see this movie for the 30 year anniversary back in 2003 not having seen it before only knowing it was a classic that made a lot of impact in the horror genre.

All I remember was me and my friend not being able to hold it in, we were laughing our ass off for the entire thing. To be fair, of all the people sitting in there we were probably the only ones laughing. It was chocking how bad it was and I guess time had passed on this one. True comedy peace, we left the theater with nothing but bad things to say about it expecting to see something else.


we were laughing our ass off for the entire thing

Just like the regulars here are laughing their ass off for your entire post.


Just like the regulars here are laughing their ass off for your entire post.

"Make the instant eternal! TIME STOP!"


 Gonna miss you bastasch!!!


Wow, just wow.

Let me guess, your favourite horror film is Paranormal Activity, am I right?


Could be the OP isn't savvy or involved enough to have a favorite film, but publically holds back his adolescent sarcasm for the sake of fitting in with his friends. Wouldn't surprise me.


I saw it the weekend it came out. I have never before or since seen a theatre react to a horror movie the way they did to The Excorcist. Packed house, there were people who ran from the theatre. You sound young, and likely grew up watching slasher movies, and are likely desentisized. This is a classic.


Always nice to meet a genuine fan of this film.



Jesus you're an idiot.

What, it wasn't dumbed down to the Freddy or Jason level that makes you keep the lights on at night, princess?

More complicated than Night of the Demons so your two brain cells couldn't comprehend it?

Ooh, let me guess... It's a classic, so let me go against the crowd and knock it.

I get it... Hipster jackass, am I close?


I am the wussiest man that I know. I kept my eyes closed for most of SCREAM for heaven's sake. I put off this movie for so long because I was honestly scared. And when I actually watched it, I was wondering which part was scary (the puking was disgusting to me, not scary).

As stated in the "Rate this movie" thread that I just posted in, this could qualify to be the greatest movie ever made. When I watched this movie for the first time, I was stunned by its perfection. I still don't get the "scary" part though. Out of sheer curiosity, which parts of this movie do you guys consider scary?



MovieFan, when I saw it in a theatre in mid to late 75, I really loved it but, it fascinated me rather than scared me. I thought it was an awesome film and VERY well made! I still think that and still love it...always will! 😃



For me no movie scared me more than The Evil Dead (1981)
but this one still scares me late at night


Ben, "The Shining (1980)" was the one that scared the crap out of me! 😲 For 2 freakin' weeks I was petrified of being alone...especially in the bathroom! I would make my guy stand outside the bathroom door, (even if it was in the middle of the night), and talk to me while I was doing my was a wreck after seeing that film! It still creeps me out a bit every time I watch it but, nothing like my initial viewing in 1980...holy smokes!

To this day, I haven't found not one horror film that has made an impact on me like "The Shining" did. After all these years, I'm afraid they'll never make another film equivalent or better than that one...not for me anyway. I keep hoping though! 😉


The Shining had some powerful and scary as heck scenes yes. I was more scared by the old naked woman scene

and also seeing two girls lying dead seemingly murdered.

Great stuff



Yes! The old naked lady in the bathroom that appeared young and beautiful at first. That old lady made me scared of the! And the murdered girls in the hall was very creepy too! "Danny...come and play with us...come and play with us...forever and ever and ever." 😲

I think the film was beautifully shot, the cinematography was excellent, the atmosphere was excellent, the score was excellent, and, of course, Jack Nicholson was excellent!! Jack was made for that part, and the part was tailor made for Jack...he was the perfect choice. 😊👍👍


I agree with you man. Awesome movie.


Indeed, no one but Jack was fit for the role.

The Shining was a powerful movie and I think it's the only I had ever watched which scared me more on consecutive views than the first time. I don't know why, but the first time I watched it, it didn't scare me. But then the second time, I felt some fear. Now, I don't even want to watch it at night haha. There is this mysterious passing which make the horror factor quite effective. I love this movie, Kubrick at his best along with A Clockwork Orange.

But The Exorcist scared the shit out of me lol, I'm not even sure I want to watch it again. But, it's an outstanding film as well.


Back when "The Exorcist" came out in 1973, it WAS the scariest film ever made! Even though I found it more fascinating rather than scary back then. Nowadays, it's not so scary because horror films, since, have improved with time. You're just incapable of looking at the big picture. If you saw it for the first time in 2003, of course it's not going to have the same impact then as it did when it first came out 30 years earlier because they made scarier films since then. Common sense is all you need to realize this.

And by the was an excellent film when is came out and, IMO, still is!


Still is scary. It was great then and is great now


That's how I feel too God! Always will! 😄👍👍
