Not scary at all

I just read a peace of the Exorcist being the most scary movie here:

I went to go see this movie for the 30 year anniversary back in 2003 not having seen it before only knowing it was a classic that made a lot of impact in the horror genre.

All I remember was me and my friend not being able to hold it in, we were laughing our ass off for the entire thing. To be fair, of all the people sitting in there we were probably the only ones laughing. It was chocking how bad it was and I guess time had passed on this one. True comedy peace, we left the theater with nothing but bad things to say about it expecting to see something else.


Wow, all the name calling and assumptions made about a person's character and tastes. Toxic for any kind of discussion.

I can't say I was scared persay but there were definitely some parts that were shocking. The first one that comes to mind is when she starts her stabbing her vagina then forces her mom to enjoy the fruits of her labor. Was definitely not expecting to see that.


If you know anything about movie making you cannot do other but recognise what a master piece this movie is. There are whole books written on cinematography, sound design and hidden meanings. But maybe now that you're out of puberty and laughing with your bros at movies that obviously went over your head you should give this another shot.


This is a classic, period.

Not just a horror film, a classic film. Directed masterfully, acted brilliantly, with a great soundtrack and story, that is somewhat believable.

I don't know what people's definition of horror is, if they don't think The Exorcist is frightening.

Hostel, Human Centipede, Saw?

This to me isn't horror. It's grotesque, hideous and completely unwatchable. After I seen these films once, I felt like, that was more than enough for my sensibilities.

Although The Exorcist is extremely terrifying and has some brutal, gruesome scenes, it's got a lot of rewatch value, due to the fact it sticks in your head, for the right reasons.


Hostel is an incompetent gorefest that isn't even scary, because Roth is a hack who can't build tension or atmosphere.

Saw is a ridiculous and badly made Se7en rip off. The first movie was a forgetable B movie with bad acting and plotholes that for some reason became a hit and spawned even more stupid sequels which main focus was on thinking up more and more creative ways of torture. Brilliant.

The Exorcist is a master piece on every level. Acting, Writing, Special Effects, Cinematography, Sound Design. Nominated for 10 Oscars, receiving 3. Don't even compare it to schlock like Hostel.


Hostel 1 and 2 and the first Saw are excellent movies. They might not be "horror" movies, they are intense.

Of course The Exorcist is simply a masterpiece and is by miles a better movie. Just, don't be so harsh on these films which are simply another kind of horror.

The Human Centipede is a horrible, deviant and inappropriate piece of shit, though.

Btw, remember that The Exorcist generated many forgettable sequels...
