MovieChat Forums > Dirty Harry (1971) Discussion > Is the original the best Dirty Harry mov...

Is the original the best Dirty Harry movie?

I think so. While the others have some great scenes, I think the original Dirty Harry is still the most gritty. It has the best villain anyway. What do you guys think?

If you're interested to see my rankings of all five Dirty Harry films, you can check them out here:





DIRTY HARRY is the best. Much as I like most of the sequels (except Dead Pool), this first film has it all over the sequels. It has the best plot and story, a tight script, tension throughout, great score and cinematography.

I like Magnum Force and especially The Enforcer, but they almost feel more like fleshed out TV movies than the film that Dirty Harry is. Although The Enforcer has is very underrated to me.

I like Sudden Impact, too, but it's too "80s" for me to feel like a Dirty Harry movie completely, not to mention the focus seems to be much less on Harry than on Sondra Locke's character.


Of course it's the best. Not just an exciting groundbreaking police thriller which moves at a break neck pace. Works on many different levels. Caused controversy at the time of the release. Opens many cans of worms with issues including the law and citizens rights. The only one that actually MEANS something.


This is the best, although I like all 5.


to me its a trickle down series, they progressively get a little worse as they go along, but they are all worthy of a watch


John Wayne turned down Dirty Harry as well, IIRC.

I can't imagine anyone other than Clint in the Callahan role, the part that immortalised him (besides the man with no name!).

The first movie is definitely the best. It's the grittiest, and has the best villain in Scorpio


If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door!


Personaly, I like Magnum Force the best. Then Dirty Harry, followed by The Enforcer. I hate Sudden Impact. I don't really remember The Dead Pool, it's been many, many years since I saw it. I'll have to track it down.


Sudden Impact shouldn't have been a Dirty Harry film at all. It would have played better as a stand-alone Private Eye film without the baggage of the Harry series.


The first is always the best.

I just finished watching it for the hundredth time and it still kicks ass.


Virtually always. I think Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior has to be considered an EXTREMELY rare exception to the "original is always better rule".


The rule usually gets flipped when it is a really low budget movie, which is what the first Mad Max was, then when they got a little more cash they made a better movie. Same thing happened with El Mariachi was not as good as Desperado.
