Its Star Trek Day



This show made a positive impact on me and millions of others!


Me too. I was a huge Trekkie when I was a troubled teen from an abusive family, and believe me troubled teenagers can fall for FAR worse influences!

Trek taught me the value of science and logic, and yes, I grew up to work in a STEM field. It taught me the value of friendship, duty, travel, getting the hell out from your home town, and not letting yourself be ruled by your feelings. So, a big "thank you" to everyone who made the show!


Didn't see this thread till just now. I'm not sure I'd ever heard of Star Trek Day before, and it took me a little while to figure out that it's because the first broadcast of the first episode of the original series took place (on NBC) on September 8, 1966. Surely that can't have been 56 years ago!
