MovieChat Forums > The Sons of Katie Elder (1965) Discussion > I grew up liking John Wayne's movie, & t...

I grew up liking John Wayne's movie, & then I found the truth about him

We all know this country has had endless conflict with despicable greedy, power-driven desperados, and that sells a never ending story. And between romantic mythology, western mythology & manly mythology, I suppose there's little difference - it's all a bunch of phony role-playing and a bunch of hooey that preys on the clueless, unsuspecting, weak & fearful who like a scared, little boy, imagines too much like he's not enough to take care of himself, so instead he bullies & dominates others. Ah, the penis wars against each other is for wussies afraid to grow up. So these stories glorifying John Wayne, who weaseled out of military service (like other famous rich, elite politicians, & others), over-compensated his whole life by playing a macho American 'good guy' & reaping big fame & money the easy way & the tough way the rest of us did it through real blood, sweat & tears. It's all make-believe to make the rich richer, the powerful more powerful, the bad guys more bad & seemingly invincible. And that, unfortunately kills the rest of us & life itself. So I give this movie low marks for a stale story that perpetuates a tale that puts us into a dream state only to ultimately betray us & everything else. Enough of the same old, same old, corrupt entertainment that's not a game-changer. Sorry to bust your bubble, but all things don't last & a change is going to do us good.


You're entitled to your opinion.


Not an uninformed opinion, however.


If you like something, then change your mind because you find out they weren't, according to your standards, a "nice person", then that makes you, pardon the expression, something of a lamebrain.

Good luck finding a filmmaker or actor with a 100% saintly background.

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher.


I used to feel that way about JFK. At least the stuff you claim about John Wayne is mostly made up stuff... JFK turned out to be a really evil rotten guy.

If you are looking for wisdom here, you are going to be disappointed.


What might help you a little bit is if you learn the facts for yourself, and don't just spout what you're heard or read somewhere else.

As someone else has posted, you're entitled to your opinion, but you're not allowed to spew false claims- that's called Libel, and you can be sued for it.


reply're not allowed to spew false claims- that's called Libel

No, it isn't.


Have you been reading the National Enquirer? Not to say I think he was a "great" man, but considering the company he kept, like Maureen O'Hara, I don't think he could've been all that bad.


Regardless of his character, I don't like films because I like who the actors and actresses are outside of their films. If that were the case I'd never watch a single Barbra Streisand movie ever again haha.


I have no problem if you do not like this movie. I have no problem if you do not like John Wayne . I have no problem if you choose to not like John Wayne for his political views.

Even though I disagree with all three of those opinions, you have every right to hold them.

However, I do have a problem with your misrepresenting facts.

John Wayne did not "weasel out of military service".

3 quick facts:

1. John Wayne was in his 40's during WWII with a wife and young children. It is very rare for family men in their 40's to join the military for any war. In fact in the modern military he would be to old and would not be able to join if he tried.
2. John Wayne had a bad back and would have been 4F (un-able to serve for health reasons).
3. Wayne was the number 1 box office draw in America. RKO Studios went to the Department of Defense and lobbied to not let Wayne enlist. The logic (other than the obvious financial ones) was that Wayne would do more good for the country staying at home and making propaganda type movies. The DoD agreed and asked Wayne not to join.

Bonus Fact 1: John Wayne worked tirelessly during WWII to sell War Bonds, raise money for the Red Cross and other war charities and causes.
Bonus Fact 2: John Wayne stated through out the later years of his life that not joining the military during WWII was the single greatest regret of his life.



So you found out the difference between an icon and reality? And he wasnt always the glorious good guy. Take, for example, an exact look at Hondo.

So John Wayne will always be our icon. But that doesnt differ in any way with reality. So thats why it doesnt matter in any way what he did (or didnt) in real life.
