MovieChat Forums > Jonny Quest (1964) Discussion > Klansmen would love the original series.

Klansmen would love the original series.

Pretty much all non-white people in the show were schemers or were "savage" natives that wanted to kill and eat white people. And then there is Hadji, playing the "House Negro" role.


End Hypocrisy...Increase tolerance...shoot a fanboy today.


I would like to comment on this discussion because I noticed very few Black People in any Hanna Barbera cartoon. This is surprising because Hanna Barbera created Tom & Jerry and Tom was owned by "Mammy Two Shoes" (Lillian Randolph) who was in many of the Hanna Barbera version of Tom & Jerry. But perhaps their intention was negative as when Spike, Tom, and Jerry got wet from a car driving through a mud puddle, their faces were changed to oversized lips with little red bows on their head.

The Flintstones (as well as Captain Caveman And The Teen Angels) was eventually shown to have black characters, while The Jetsons does not. No. Moleculad does not count.

Hanna Barbera produced Josie And The Pussy Cats which includes a Black character as well as a Witch and her cat. But these characters were original comic book characters and not created by Hanna Barbera. I believe that if Hanna Barbera had the power to replace Valerie with Pepper, they would do in a heartbeat. But they faced competition with Filmation so they sighed and cringed and decided to include Valerie. But Valerie's skin lightened in the "Outer Space" series.

Also, a programme called Speed Buggy has a character who is supposed to be American Indian. But in all of his appearances except for a crossover episode with Scooby Doo, he is otherwise drawn as pale.

Other studios such as Filmation, Rankin Bass, and even Ruby Spears seems to include Blacks much more often.

So I am surprised that Hanna Barbera had Hadji as a protagonist.

But it is possible that Hadji was abducted at a young age and that all the villains are of other "evil" nations.

 = 


I wouldn't ordinarily respond to an 11 year old post, but I find this interesting as just last week I was wondering when the "snowflake" generation started.

This post is an example of what we see more of today; someone with issues who strikes out against others in an attempt to find (in this case) racism where none exists.

I was a young boy when this show first aired (yes, aired as cable didn't exist) and my friends and I watched this at our house because we had (oh, the delicious irony) a colored TV - and none of the white people on our had a color TV back then. I don't recall being uncomfortable about watching a white professor with his white son and his white friend/guard on all sorts of adventures when sitting with my white friends, nor did I find his adoption of a young brown child odd and neither did my white friends.


I watched first episode and am watching second. The feature white villains from unnamed European countries.


Jeez, I didn’t realize activists were bitching about this stuff in 2006.


Good God man!! The white dude's name was "race"!!!

If that isn't convincing, I don't know what is!
