MovieChat Forums > Exodus (1961) Discussion > Nazi influence on Muslims

Nazi influence on Muslims

I understand why the Muslim act the way they they today with total disrespect for others. The minds of the arab muslims were poisened by Nazis.


I'm a Republican, and thats my opinion on this matter.


Pretty true. The Baath Party (which controled Iraq under Sadaam and now controls Syria) was founded based on ideologies from 1930's Nazi Germany. Many of the party's founders were tied to the Nazis.

On top of that, the head of the Palestinian people form 1921 until the 1960s, Haj Amin Al-Husseini was a good friend of Hitler and Himmler. He was a Nazi war criminal, officer in the SS, and then gave shelter to Nazis following WWII. Husseini is briefly mentioned in the movie. The book has more information on him.

For additional reading, there is a book published in the 60s I picked up called "The Mufti and the Fuhrer." It's good reading.

Am Yisrael Chai and God Bless America


Drugs that people do...tsts


What the hell is THAT supposed to mean?


it means that the IMAGINARY Tale told by the two posters up there is due to the use of drugs or just spreading lies you decide.





LOL, read up on Stern gang (Zionist terror group) and their mission to get hitler's support for Israel. All sides tried to cozy up with Nazis, because Nazis had the power to confront Britian.

"No man is just a number"


Yes, it was true that the Stern gang attempted to gain Nazi support against the British (and not against the Arabs). For the Arabs,they weren't interested in fighting the Brits. They wanted to destroy the Jews


There was the Grand Mufti who was sucking Hitler's cock, but the Nazis only pretended to like the Arabs because they were useful patsies to be thrown against the British occupiers and Jewish settlers. Balkan Muslims were recruited into the Waffen-SS because of severe manpower shortages. Then there were the half and quarter Jews who served the Third Reich as well.


That would have been the Hanschar Division.

Pax Christi
Rev. Joel+


Actually, it's the Handschar Division




That is how Muslims are ---- They respect no one except other Muslims


Even then, however, often enough, if Muslims with more moderate thinking make it obvious that they differ from the more radical factions in their flanks, they end up getting assassinated, by fellow Muslims..


I'll go with the leader of Turkey, a Muslim ---

" There is NO such thing as Moderate Islam -- There is only Islam"

He said that last week some time,,, Erdogan is his name


Israelis learned how to round up people they consider inferior and essentially put them into camps, or just outright kill them.


Not all Israeli Jews have that mentality. In fact, most Israeli Jews, even ones who are serving in the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the West Bank, do not like serving in the occupied territories, and there are a number of Israeli Jews who, while they don't mind serving in their army per se, rightly feel that Israel's occupation of West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, along with the rough treatment of Palestinian civilians, demolitions of Palestinians' homes, and the rough treatment of innocent Palestinian civilians is wrong, and just as harmful to Israel as it is to the Palestinians in the Occupied territories. As a matter of fact, a number of Israeli Jews are refusing to serve in the Occupied Territories.


I have been glad to see many Israelis stand against Netanyahu's fascist impulses. But, he and the hard right still rule over the country. Things need to change. We will see if they do.


I, too, am glad that many Israeli Jews are taking a stance against Netanyahu's extremely hard right regime, but I'd also like to see Israel elect a prime minister who'll withdraw Israel's troops and rightwing Israeli Jewish settlers from the Palestinian Territories (i. e. West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem), and to allow an independent, sovereign Palestinian nation-state to emerge in those territories. Having said that, I firmly believe that the 2-state solution (i.e. the Jewish-majority nation of Israel and a Palestinian nation-state alongside Israel, in West Bank, Gaza Strip and Arab East Jerusalem) is the only safe, sane and sensible solution to the decades-old Arab-Israeli conflict.


I absolutely agree! It's good to talk to you about this. There aren't a LOT of civil discussions on this site.


Thank you, johnmiller. Civility, as far as discussions go, not only on this board, but on the internet, and our society, generally, are rather rare, and far between, which is unfortunate, because many people who'd ordinarily be willing to discus things, in general, in a civil manner, have felt too antagonized and have been scared off by people with nastier attitudes towards people whose outlooks, in general, are different from theirs. It's quite sad, to boot.


The Palestinians are far right! Read the above replies, most Arabs were Nazi collaborators who attacked Israel from it's creation.

Why are you defending Muslim fascists? You're a notorious anti-Semitic Troll!


The Muslim hatred of the Jews and every other kuffar is inherent to their religion which predates Nazism by many, many centuries. Their prophet was poisoned by a Jewish woman named Zaynab in revenge for Muhammad slaughtering her whole family. Now someone will likely point out that the Muslim world has been much more tolerant to Jews historically than the Christian world has, but that is only because Jews in the Muslim world historically were a negligible presence with no power. When Jews founded their own state in the Middle East, that's when they got power and that's when the Muslims decided to stop being 'tolerant'.

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:

Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it.
—Sahih Muslim 2167a, Book 26, Hadith 5389 (English reference)

O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya’ to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya’, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust).—Qur'an 5:51 (Hilali-Khan)

Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures.—Qur'an 98:6 (Hilali-Khan)

Muslim refuses to greet Jew
