MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > "The After Hours" is so bizarr...

"The After Hours" is so bizarre

Like the best episodes it has a logic all of its own.


The one with the mannequins. That's another that could be an hour long. Where do they get money and why do they have memories of families? Still very enjoyable.


And how did James Stewart get off that roof at the start of "Vertigo"? Both Hitchcock's masterpiece and "The After Hours" have a lot of unanswered questions; yet it's those unanswered questions that contribute to the dream logic of both, making them two very haunting pieces of work.


I agree. There seems to be much more we could have been told about the mannequins and their forays into to the real world. That's what I would like to see a remake series or movie do. Not remake episodes but go into greater detail about classic episodes of the original series. As well as create new stories in the tradition of the original series. It would not be as good as the original but it would be worth watching at least for me.


That's my complaint about the 80s episode. It polished it up and didn't even attempt to give answers.

A new series should take the story, treat it like a movie with lets say the maniquins get money from the cashier's register, they go back to their unhuman state if killed, the mannequins came up with the rules and only those who really yearn for life participate.


That was one of my favorite episodes. Anne Francis was so exquiste looking. You could imagine her as a flawless mannequin.

It was so scary when she was alone in the department store and she kept hearing, "Marsha, Marsha..." Gave me goosebumps.

I wonder who Marsha's "mother" was though! lol She came to the department store to buy her mother a thimble. Just all in her imagination? Who knows how mannequins think.


I love this episode. It's my all-time favorite. I love the clack-clack-clack of Marsha White's high heels on the hard floor of the 3rd floor. Very creepy scene of her all alone there with those mannequins. Anne Francis was so pretty. I do love watching "The After Hours" over and over. But, I would never like being locked in a department store at night. No way!!!
