MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > Twilight Zone 1.4 The Sixteen Millimeter...

Twilight Zone 1.4 The Sixteen Millimeter Shrine

The one where Ida Lupino plays an aging starlet trying to recapture her glorious days. What rating would you give it?

Plays like a cross between Sunset Boulevard and the Purple Rose of Cairo. This woman might have been the world's first binge watcher.


Jeez, I don't remember the episodes, let alone their names, like y'all do. A cross between Sunset Blvd and Purple Rose sounds great to me. Wish I could comment further on this episode, and will wait for others to do it.


I'm just watching them on Netflix... they have them in order and I've only seen the odd episodes randomly on TV. There are people that know much more about the series than I, although I've seen a lot of movies so I get a lot of the references. I think Sunset Boulevard is much superior as well as the show it possibly inspired years later... but Ida Lupino and Martin Balsam are good and it's not a bad tv version.


In her binging habits -- locking herself in a dark room, remaining there for days, looking like she needs to avail herself to soap and water -- she isn't unlike some poor "Game of Thrones" junkies I know.

People crap all over this one but I like it. Good score. Great lead performance. Martin Balsam (who was the detective, as I'm sure you recall, in "Psycho") is his usual reliable self. Glad she escaped from jerks like that studio boss. I did think it was funny she felt that her former co-star's current occupation of running a chain of supermarkets (the precursor to Wall-Mart?) is beneath her. Like the world of show business is somehow a dignified profession by comparison. Anyway, eight for me.

I'd be surprised if Allen wasn't in some way inspired by this episode since his Mia Farrow/Jeff Daniels vehicle bears more than a passing resemblance to it.


I would've enjoyed it more if I never saw the other movies, it was interesting in terms of its place in television and film history for me, but otherwise it almost felt like a remake. Pleasantville also may have been influenced by this story. I didn't have a problem with the studio boss because he was as unpleasant as she was but it was a reminder of the ageism that exists to this day towards female lead actresses and why so many of them fill their faces with Botox.


