MovieChat Forums > The Defiant Ones (1958) Discussion > Who would you pick to star in a remake?

Who would you pick to star in a remake?

I read recently that the Defiant Ones is gettin remade but as more of a comedy. So I was wondering who people would pick to be in the lead roles. I chose Colin Farrell and Cuba Gooding Jr


Noah: Michael Jai White
Joker: Josh Brolin


Jay and Silent Bob! and Chris Rock! (Oh wait they already did that. Damn!)


Denzel Washington and Tom Hanks...maybe a few years ago.


I like the remake from 1986 with Weathers and Urich. Too bad, I can't find it anywhere.

48hrs with Murphy and Nolte has got something from the defiant ones too.



Don't need a remake.

We already got the same pieta image of Cullen holding Joker in his arms some 31 years later with Lethal Weapon 2 -- starring Danny Glover and Mel Gibson.



While racism still exists, I don't think people would relate to a film using a black and a white as much as they would in the 60s. But at least it would be better than the Star Trek episode in which one alien was black on the right and white on the left and the other alien was white on the right and black on the left.

I would like to see either a Palestinian teamed with an Israeli Jew or a German neo-Nazi skinhead teamed with a radical Muslim. While you probably need somewhat known actors in order to make any money, I think it would be neat to have actors from the same countries they represent in the film.

You could change it to use women, but I find it easier to think of opposing women cooperating than opposing men.


Randy Quaid and Louis Gosset, Jr. Oh yeah.. make Gosset an alien.

... wait a minute....

Anal Nathrach Üthvas Bethod Dochiel Dienveh


Nothing could top the original. A remake would be horrible.
