MovieChat Forums > The Defiant Ones (1958) Discussion > Who would you pick to star in a remake?

Who would you pick to star in a remake?

I read recently that the Defiant Ones is gettin remade but as more of a comedy. So I was wondering who people would pick to be in the lead roles. I chose Colin Farrell and Cuba Gooding Jr


Denzel Washington and Brad Pitt. Those two are my picks.


Will Smith and Russell Crow


As for me, I can't tell the difference between Denzel Washington and Sidney Poitier. I was watching "In the Heat of the Night" and I kept thinking it was Denzel. I had a hard time believing that it was a 40 year old movie.

Frankly, in this film, many scenes, I thought that Tony Curtis looked like DeForrest Kelley. When they were fighting, for a few moments, I thought that I was watching Star Trek, and Bones was on some barren alien planet, fighting with some adversary.


okay, I know that's off the wall but think about it. I'm just not sure Denis Leary can pull off a southern accent. Do they have chain gangs in New England? Maybe it would be interesting to have the white guy be from the north and have the black guy be poor, rural and southern and wise to the ways of the south and the white guy has to depend on him to know where the cultural 'buttons' are. just a thought.


As one poster mentioned above, the black-white pair wouldn't be that exiting today. It should rather be rewritten for WHITE and MUSLIM (not black, but arab)characters.


Now there's a movie I'd pay to see.

'I'll tell you right out, I am a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk.'


Oprah Winfrey and Rosie O'Donnell

Queen Latifa and Hellen Miren

Arnold Schwartzenegger and Michael Clark Duncan

Paul Rubens and Tracy Morgan

Lewis Black and Flavor Flav

Snoop Dog and Eminem

Dave Chappelle and Hugh Grant

Whitney Huston and Britney Spears

Dr Dre and Jack Black

James Earl Jones and Jeff Goldblum

Ian McKellen and L'il John


Bjork and Maya Angelou


Clint Eastwood and Morgan freeman.

Only they escape from a retirement home
And there shoelaces somehow got tied together.

And its no longer johnny potatoes,
its johnny applesauce.

In other words,
How can anyone even consider remaking this movie.
its to great.


Balwin and Fishburne already did Fled



I wouldn't make a remake of this movie. It's a classic and it shouldn't be remade. I suppose if I had to, though, I'd cast Christian Bale as Joker and Denzel Washington as Noah.

Say hello to good times



good call! I stumbled onto this thread and thought the same thing..."Fled"!


50 Cent and Billy Bob Thorton

