MovieChat Forums > Paths of Glory (1957) Discussion > Was it really ethical of them like that ...

Was it really ethical of them like that to SPOILERS...

... sentence those soldiers to death for "cowardice"? And also...

Even when Kirk Douglas' character stated in court about how immoral such a decision is, the jury, judge etc, didn't even remotely consider changing their minds and feel that such a decision is either wrong or not worth all this trouble, why couldn't they just let them go?


Can't just let the soldiers do what they want. Have to keep discipline.


But under the given circumstances they had to be executed for disobeying orders (insubordination) and not for "cowardice".
Aside from the fact that even for a military court this verdict was rushed, unfair and manipulated.


Yes, but DEATH SENTENCE for something like that is a bit TOO MUCH or even EXCESSIVELY EXTREME in my opinion, and in others' too. No?


That's kind of the whole point of the movie isn't it? The generals want to sacrifice some men to take an insignificant hill to further their careers.
