MovieChat Forums > Paths of Glory (1957) Discussion > Is this flick still watchable?

Is this flick still watchable?

For some reason it ends up in a lot of top 10 war-movie-of-all-time-lists.
Just curious if it's still watchable after all these years.

To give you a general idea what I liked: Saving private ryan, The bridge on the river Kwai,
Band of Borthers (I know it's not a movie), la vita e bella, das boot & schindlers list.

What I didn't like: Flags of our fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Enemy at the gate, The thin red line and Pearl Harbor,

And what I loved: Full metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, Jarhead, the pianist and Deerhunter.

So, should I watch Paths of Glory because it's good and it withstand the test of time?
Or is it a must-see because I'm such an avid war movie fan? Or not at all?

I don't need a signature!


Whether it is "watchable" or not depends only on the viewer...

It is true that the style of writing and acting was a bit different in 1957 than it is in the present. That doesn't make the movie unwatchable though, it is still a very good story and told and filmed very competently.

I agree with those who say it should be mandatory viewing.


I just watched this.

great movie!
I agree with those that say it should be mandatory.

Kirk Douglas was great in this film.

if you have not seen this... watch it.


Oh yes, very watchable!

What to say that hasn't already been said. This astonishing cinematic work of art (no kidding) unquestionably is the GREATEST FILM EVER - bar none. I deeply and passionately LOVE this brilliant early Kubrick production. Congratulations to expert screenwriters (and unique pulp writers of the 5O's) Calder Willingham (who also penned his own excellent adaptation of "The Strange One"; highly recommended) and Jim Thompson ("The Grifters" "The Killer Inside Me"; which strongly influenced Tarantino), who both present a superbly incisive script with powerfully effective dialogue that really rings more than true. If only we had more real writers and scripts like this remarkable achievement, we'd be writing far more favorable reviews. "Paths of Glory", alone, would serve as anyone's lifetime achievement award.
That sums it up nicely.


Paths of Glory is a great film,certainly ahead of its time and with some amazing cinematography. As would be expected for a film made in the 1950's, some of the acting does adopt a more theatrical style common in older films, which can seem overly dramatic or corny, as opposed to the method acting used in newer films. The overly dramatic scenes in Paths of Glory are minimal though and do not take away from the film's quality.



I just watched it, and yes.
If you loved the character development of The Deer Hunter and the feels of The Pianist just watch it.


This movie will be watchable as long as humans are human, all too human.


It's more than watchable. It's haunting. And it's relatively short, so you can easily make the commitment.
