MovieChat Forums > Paths of Glory (1957) Discussion > Is this flick still watchable?

Is this flick still watchable?

For some reason it ends up in a lot of top 10 war-movie-of-all-time-lists.
Just curious if it's still watchable after all these years.

To give you a general idea what I liked: Saving private ryan, The bridge on the river Kwai,
Band of Borthers (I know it's not a movie), la vita e bella, das boot & schindlers list.

What I didn't like: Flags of our fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Enemy at the gate, The thin red line and Pearl Harbor,

And what I loved: Full metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, Jarhead, the pianist and Deerhunter.

So, should I watch Paths of Glory because it's good and it withstand the test of time?
Or is it a must-see because I'm such an avid war movie fan? Or not at all?

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I didn't like it as much as I thought I would. I found the dialogue (script) quite amateurish / niave (or may be it's a reflection of the era it was set), however the acting and cinematography is excellent. It is a Stanley Kubrick film and that in itself should make it a must see movie. I also share the exact same opinions about all the movies you mentioned - your likes and dislikes.

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It's just as old as Bridge on the river Kwai. Not only watchable but really good. I guess it perhaps won't make it into your favorites. But I'm sure you'll like it. Made it into my favorites.

You see things; and you say Why? But I dream things that never were and I say Why not?


Very much still watchable. One of the best "war" films ever made. Some of the finest cinematography, acting, direction, and writing. Truly one of the finest films ever, and it hasn't aged a bit. The only downside is that it's so short, and I would've enjoyed watching more of it.


It is exceptionally re-watchable, if not a greater viewing each every subsequent viewing.

As for anyone who's yet to see it, it does blend WWI battlefield action with military trial & law- but it moves swiftly, the 90mins or so fly by.

The end scene never fails to blow me away, along the lines of Casablanca's duel of the anthems yet a lot more moving.


Not just watchable but very rewatchable. It's just 80 minutes long and dense with dialogue and action.



It's probably the most watchable war flick to me. Never a dull moment. The dialogue is powerful without being preachy. The acting is sublime.

'Apocalypse Now' is a masterpiece and I love how it's simultaneously REAL and SURREAL.

'Thin Red Line' is a bit meandering to me.

I think 'Full Metal Jacket' is a tad overrated. It doesn't quite have the impact with me that 'Paths of Glory' does, but it is a very watchable flick.

'Saving Private Ryan' is kind of manipulative to me. It's sentimental Spielberg, basically him trying to win another Oscar, which he pulled off.


This film could never go out of style. It's about human nature in all its absurdity. It's without a doubt a masterpiece and an incredibly important film. It leaves you with a lot to think about.

"We are the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."


Garmonbozia8.... I totally agree with you. Everyone should watch this film. Whether you love it or hate it, you should watch it and form your own opinion. I think it is a masterpiece. I also think that Kirk Douglas was incredibly brave.....he put his money where his mouth was.
