MovieChat Forums > Paths of Glory (1957) Discussion > Is this flick still watchable?

Is this flick still watchable?

For some reason it ends up in a lot of top 10 war-movie-of-all-time-lists.
Just curious if it's still watchable after all these years.

To give you a general idea what I liked: Saving private ryan, The bridge on the river Kwai,
Band of Borthers (I know it's not a movie), la vita e bella, das boot & schindlers list.

What I didn't like: Flags of our fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Enemy at the gate, The thin red line and Pearl Harbor,

And what I loved: Full metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, Jarhead, the pianist and Deerhunter.

So, should I watch Paths of Glory because it's good and it withstand the test of time?
Or is it a must-see because I'm such an avid war movie fan? Or not at all?

I don't need a signature!


I would definitely say watch it...even if you don't like, I think it deserves your time at least once.

I can't believe that we are talking about war films, and nobody has brought up Abel Gance's "Napoleon"'s a type of war film that has never really been done since then.





Are you kidding? Absolutely.


It's definitely watchable, especially since you liked Full Metal Jacket. It's shorter and more straightforward than movies like Flags of Our Father and The Thin Red Line, and it still makes a strong impression.

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Still Watchable?


...nuff said.


Very watchable, great movie. I watched it yesterday, first time I saw it from start to finish. Can't stop thinking about it. Not just a war movie, but also about abuse of power, arrogance of those in high places, injustice, the talk of death, and the acting. Great cast. One of great directors, one of greatest bunch of character actors assembled, and a great story. Not any wasted scenes either, no long, over done shots. No unnecessary dialogue. 90 minutes, nice and tight. Great film.
