I Totally Buy It

This seems like a very real relationship that could exist in New York over the course of a summer: fleeting, exciting, lustful, innocent. Something about the film rings very true to me, there is a great feeling of authenticity in the interaction between these to people. Summer in New York is an inexplicable feeling, and few films capture that in a way that make it palpable for those who know. This film succeeds and, tremendously so, on many levels.



"Did you make coffee...? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


Yes, terrific movie. Ewell is great.


What self control he had!


I never bought it as a possibly "real relationship", because in the real world, beautiful young women who've come to the big cities aren't as interested in non-handsome middle-aged married men, as Monroe is in this film.

Look, it's a nice bit of fluff and maybe you enjoy it as an innocent fantasy, but I worry about people who think it reflects real life.
