Was Miriram special needs?

I woke up to this movie about twenty minutes in, -- the scene where she was with the two boys on the carousel, then wanted a boat ride, but wanted popcorn first.

even then I was unsure what was up with her... she seemed very ADHD to me. Then when they go through the tunnel and she screams bloody murder [only for her to be having fun] I knew she was not all there.

[some scary dude in the dark:] are you Miriam.
{Miriam:} why, yes.....

Now twenty minutes passed this when the family knows she has been killed and the husband is discussing it with them.

if she is old enough to get married [at least 18 years old] then she is old enough to have better sense than to go around with not one but TWO young men -- almost boys.

she deserves to get killed.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


This entire movie is special needs. It's beyond dumb.

She was earlier earmarked as being slutty. So showing her going with two men (oh my!) to an amusement park was supposed to show how loose she was. She was pregnant with another man's baby at the time.

(You really need to watch movies from the beginning.)


Special needs?
Not really.
Miriam is just a conniving mean little witch. And just wants money, men and partying around even though still legally married to Guy and pregnant with another man's child. She's immature for sure but not special needs. She knows what she's doing.


Young women used to go around with young men all the time. It was normal, and nobody thought anything about it. They weren't as paranoid and prudish as people are today.


Yeah, things were a lot easier for heterosexuals, back when young men understood that a date meant they'd be lucky to get a chaste kiss goodnight. Now, they're freaking out if a girl doesn't agree to bear their child, the moment he works up the nerve to say "hello".

As for the move in question, though, I think that Miriam isn't actually being childish, more like she's playing games with her two escorts. She's enjoying seeing them dance to her tune, making childish demands and watching them jump because, and is probably playing one against another. just for love of having a bit of sexual power and being a bitch is fun. Now a gal out with two guys would normally have been considered innocent in those days, but not in this case! Now every critic says the two guys were there as a bit of symbolism, because the movie is about two men and Hitchcock threw in two men together whenever he could, but they're also there to serve the plot by making her look like a total slut and completely undeserving of sympathy.


i don't think so.
she was just young and hormonal
