Comparing it with RNC

Regarding the first night as much as I wanted to see what these Alt Right idiots at the RNC say and/or laugh at them, they were so repugnant I had to turn it off. On the other hand I thought Triumph of the Will was excellent filmmaking and I did watch the whole thing. The whole ein Volk ein Reich ein Führer is interesting to compare with ein Volk ein Reich ein Trump.
But that was historical, this is our future. I'll try again tonight; see how far I get.


Nazis were Socialists just like the Dummycrat party.


This cold civil war is hilarious for the Chinese.


With Trump we had a strong economy, inexpensive gasoline, and a pretty secure border. Since January 20, 2021 we haven't had any of those things, and it gets worse day by day. Keep telling yourself it's better with Brandon.
