MovieChat Forums > King Kong (1933) Discussion > I've been to Skull Island

I've been to Skull Island

We took a boat there from Saint Martin. Then went on a mini-bus ride up to the top.
I've never been on a scarier road. Inches from cliffs of death.


Thats interesting. The link suggests that Columbus landed on the island. It would have been nice to see a Kong prequel with Columbus landing on the island and Kong killing them all


You should write a film treatment of that story. Netflix would buy it.


I just might. It would be an alternate history take on Christopher Columbus's journey to the Americas


but since the fictional skull island in the Pacific that would mean Columbus was correct about the world being smaller than it is and he did find a shorter route to the "orient" and the Americas don't exist. Wow, you have just absolved Columbus and appeased the woke crowd!!!


Didn't realize that but you are right. The story would be revered since the Americas don't exist in this alternate take on history


The biggest thing there is no beer at the stadiums.
We are really biased about this country.
