The Islanders

The Islanders were an imaginative cultural fusion . They looked African ,( of course I am aware that they were African-Americans), but their huts resembled traditional Polynesian designs, as indeed did the canoe in which they kidnapped Ann .

Gordon P. Clarkson


I agree, especially where Skull Island is rough situated, somewhere in the South Asian seas. One theory passed around is that the natives escaped from captors in a boat and where blown off course and ended up on the Island.


Or they could simply be Melanesians like the ones who live in New Guinea...


Both of these points are very interesting. Thanks folks.

Gordon P. Clarkson


The natives bought their canoes and clothing from Costco and settled somewhere in the South Pacific. This is mentioned several times by the chief


Perhaps they were descendants of ancient central African explorers who encountered Polynesians and adopted some of their culture.


Probably imitating papuan groups with poynesian aesthetic.
