MovieChat Forums > Dylan Mulvaney Discussion > I love how she turns conservative men in...

I love how she turns conservative men into the apes from 2001

They get so easily triggered by someone's existence.


Follow the science...

After I said this, you had to stop and ask yourself, 'is stickman38 a conservative or liberal?'.

The trans debate has created an interesting societal 180. We are now the opposite of what was established party lines. Libs don't want to follow the science and conservatives now insist on it. Lol

I just think it's an oddity that has created a conundrum that will last at least a few more years until some established agreement can solve the issue. Surely we don't want to dissolve what it means to be male and female? Right?

The only real solution is to create a 3rd gender. One that is something in between male and female. You just can't lop off your private parts and call yourself the opposite sex without raising some doubt, even further, you can't replace the natural born gender in competition and call that fair and balanced.


it's mostly women that hate him for making fun of them..... and wearing Nike sports bras, when he has no tits.

but nice try retard.

