MovieChat Forums > Dylan Mulvaney Discussion > Dylan is an actor and formidable self pr...

Dylan is an actor and formidable self promoter

If you pay attention, everything is always all about Dylan. He's not even very good at promoting products because, again, it's all about him.

Eventually, everyone will figure this out, and he'll become the flavor of last year.


Corporations pick a target and run with it - Dylan has little to do with that.
It's like that Floyd character - plenty of innocents die from the police brutality - yet, they picked a dude with a crapload of criminal records, pretended that he's an angel and the next thing you know, police is defunded, crime rate goes through the room - mission accomplished.

Woke movement is a virus - I suspect it's promoted by malign entities - until people wake up, burn down the governments and the corporations that push this movement, things will only get worse.


And a man.

Glad to see you're using the correct pronouns and agree with your post 100%
