Dead at 29

Too young.


Sad. Cancer's a bitch at any age.


Some backstory:

Anna was molested by her mom's boyfriend when she was a young child. Teacher found out. Mom chose boyfriend, so Anna lived with her grandma. Boyfriend went to prison for 10 years for molesting another little girl.

He's released and mom is cozying up to him, again. Anna is horrified and stops talking to her mom. Anna and her daughter move out of state. Mom wants to buy ex-boyfriend a house so she takes daughter Honey Boo Boo with her on overnight trip. Uncle is alarmed that little niece will spend night in hotel room with a convicted child molester and invites self to protect her.

All in one hotel room. Mom, ex-boyfriend and child in one bed. Uncle snaps photos. Gives to police.

So far, Mom has been with two child molesters. The first one fathered two of her children.

Anna had two daughters. The youngest will live with her dad. The oldest (11 y.o.) with Anna's mom. If that's not an ugly turn of events...

Life can be cruel. I know Anna reconciled with her mom, but I can't stop feeling bad for her kid since June repeatedly chose her loser boyfriends over her own daughters.
