MovieChat Forums > Kristi Noem Discussion > Some of you guys have never lived in the...

Some of you guys have never lived in the country....

...and it shows.

You DO know that for basically ever dogs that kill chickens have been shot by the owner of the chickens, right? Reason why? You can't cure them of it. So you have to keep them on a chain for the rest of their unnatural lives, or you shoot them. Would you like to be on a chain for the rest of your life because you couldn't be trusted? Or would you prefer to have one bad day when the lights suddenly go out?

For contrast, I got to see someone on Twitter telling us how she had to say goodbye to her goodest goodboi, because he suddenly collapsed and when they took him to the vet he had massive internal bleeding from a cancer. Imagine the pain that poor dog had been in for who knows how long? But that's how we treat our pets in suburbia.

I'd rather be Noem's dog in the country.


I was born in the Boot-heel of Missouri, lived in the Ozarks and then moved to Southern Illinois so I think I qualify as having lived in the country. I see no reason for her actions. The dog could have been given to someone who didn’t hunt pheasants. Or it could have been kept as just a pet. As for your illustration, if a person has a dog killing chickens on the farm, they were likewise given away.


Some of you guys have never lived in the country....
posted 6 days ago by Destinata (2627)
I'd rather be Noem's dog in the country.

You would rather be dead for having chicken?


Would you rather have massive internal bleeding because someone thought they were being a good dog parent by letting you live in agony because, well, at least you were alive. In sheer agony, but alive.

Sensible people know we're all going to have one really bad day. Most city or suburbia pets have a lot of bad days, maybe even months, because the selfish owners refuse to let them go. I'd rather have that one really bad day at the end of a good life, not one lived in agony because I had a selfish owner.


Who is the person in agony you're speaking of?
