MovieChat Forums > Ray Fisher Discussion > Opens Up About 'Justice League,' Joss Wh...

Opens Up About 'Justice League,' Joss Whedon and Warners: "I Don't Believe Some of These People Are Fit for Leadership"

Long read, goes into depth about control-freaks Whedon and Johns. Deserves to be cancelled.

Gal Gadot had similar experience, but took it to chairman of Warner. That makes Fisher's story believable, but he was removed from future roles.

Of course the MC trolls will continue their racist lies!

Now, in many hours of conversation, Fisher tells his side. Much of his previous reluctance to spell out the story, he says, arose because he didn't — and still doesn't — want to expose the identities of others who shared their stories with him and investigators. "I'm not looking to have any witnesses lose their jobs," he says.

Those include some who wouldn't seem to have any worries about job security: Gal Gadot and Jason Momoa. Others who were not involved with Justice League also spoke to Fisher and in some cases the investigators about experiences with Whedon and with Geoff Johns, who was co-chairman of DC Films and a producer on the film. They include Charisma Carpenter, who recently wrote on social media of Whedon's alleged abusiveness on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and individuals who had worked with Johns on Syfy's Krypton.

Fisher got Warners to start an investigation, more than two years after the first version of the film was released. But he soon found the process to be suspicious. The studio and its parent company seemed to be focused on protecting top executives, he says. The process moved in starts and stops, and when he felt forced to ramp up his public protest, the studio responded with what Fisher calls a deliberate smear. Warners maintains it has done everything necessary to address Fisher's concerns. He still wants an apology.

"I don't believe some of these people are fit for positions of leadership," says Fisher, who explains he's not looking for anyone to be fired. "I don't want them excommunicated from Hollywood, but I don't think they should be in charge of the hiring and firing of other people." Fisher knows he's not going to win that battle, but he feels a point has been made. "If I can't get accountability," he says, "at least I can make people aware of who they're dealing with."


"I don't believe some of these people are fit for positions of leadership"

I think the people who made movies that made billions should not be in positions of leadership...

This whole thing is much ado about nothing. Snyder left the movie and the guy who replaced him took everything in a different direction.



They wanted Superman's grandfather black, so how does a white character like Superman have a black grandfather?
