MovieChat Forums > Kate Middleton Discussion > Doesn't Attend Easter Service!

Doesn't Attend Easter Service!

Poor Prince Charles - He has cancer, yet was trotted out for the Easter Service, probably just to deflect attention.

Yet Kate - who was originally expected to return to Royal duties after Easter (Please note that is NOT the same thing as the palace, or anyone else, giving an UPDATE after Easter) - is nowhere to be seen.

And this is despite her saying she was "getting better and feeling stronger every day". Additionally, William doesn't attend either. Despite him been seen publicly attending a service just a couple of weeks ago...


Kate Middleton lives in California!


I think you're getting her mixed up with her sister in law, Megan Markel...


OMG, everyone here is STUPID!


No one has seen her in public since December 25, 2023.

A real picture of her out there in the real world is probably worth millions at this stage.

Where's that picture?


I think you're right.

It's going to take a public event, where she's seen by / maybe shaking hands with a large number of people to totally kill the speculation now.

Whether we see that first or an announcement that she's taken a severe turn for the worse and passed away is the question...

If it's the later though, it would be interesting to see if people would accept that without question.


And that fact Billy and the kids weren't at that Easter celebration only add fuel to the tinfoil hat fire.


That's a fair point - I get what you're saying here. The kids haven't been seen for a long time either...


I'm thinking she's probably near the end or gone already. A friend of mine was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in October 2019 with no noticeable symptoms or ill effects at all and by late April 2020 he was dead.

Unless you are Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who apparently recovered from pancreatic cancer multiple times over many years until it finally returned and killed her, I have never heard of anyone else lasting very long with it.


Sorry to hear of your friend.

I had a friend who also died completely out of the blue a couple of years ago - Apparently just shot up straight in his bed in the middle of the night, gave out a loud, chilling noise and was gone. Really awful experience - Sudden Death Syndrome was all that could be offered...

Re Kate - If you're saying you think she's already gone, do you think that video was faked? I saw something today that said AP have added a disclaimer re its potential authenticity.

Irrespective of what's really going on, the whole thing has been handled very strangely...
