

I can't believe Comey has his own page on IMDB/MovieChat.

He's a different type of Director, let's just say.


Trump messed up, too much fallout


For real--- I can't wait for his book either, should he ever choose to write one. How he got let go from the FBI was a travesty---I mean trumpf didn't even have the common courtesy to call him back to the White House first and then tell him the bad news to his face. That was truly disrespectful and disgusting how he was treated. Glad to hear that he kept those memos of anything trumpf said to him, though. I would love to hear his public testimony in front of the committee, since that would partly be a clapback at trumpf for kicking him to the curb the way he did. And, yeah, he was definitely let go because he was turning up the heat on the investigations into the trumpf campaign's ties to Russia.
That being said, I do think he's partly responsible for turning the election trumpf's way. I mean, he's the one who came out only a couple of days before the election claiming that they were these e-mails from Clinton on former candidate Anthony Weiner's laptop that needed investigating. Turns out that he didn't even know what was in those e-mails, and then come to find out that they were actually leftover e-mails that had already been investigated by the FBI. I always thought it was strange how you never heard anything about those particular e-mails after the election. But yeah, that did kill Clinton's momentum in the polls, and we wound up with this stupid-a** idiot clown fool in the WH. The point is, he should have at least investigated that last batch of Clinton e-mails before he started claiming that they were suspicious. Also, it's interesting how trumpf was singing Comey's praises while he was investigating Clinton, but now all of a sudden that's a reason to fire him? Please---even a blind person could see though that lame excuse trumpf cooked up with the new AG to get rid of Comey. It just shows how ignorant the orange-haired one is, and out-of-touch he is that he actually thought firing Comey wasn't going to be a big deal for anybody.


Anyway, how did he get a page on here? What docs has he been in that would warrant this?

But yeah, Republicans hate him for not indicting Clinton even though he made clear the reasons why he chose not to seek one, and Democrats blame him for for pushing the election trumpf's way by announcing the finding of that last batch of Clinton e-mails (which turned out to be really nothing in the end.) Either way, he was never going to please anyone on either side, and I still question his judgement in making that announcement just a couple of days before the election---how convenient for trumpf, whose polls were actually going down about that time. Anyway, here the latest concerning Comey's memos on things the idiot-in-chief said--what cracks me up about this is that trumpf was claiming he had taped their conversations, but apparently the idiot fool never considered that someone might have a paper trail of anything he's said----ha ha ha ha ha! He got busted,lol!



Already what Comey has said has shown Trump is stupid, incompetent and not up to being President.

Comey should never have opened his mouth about any of these investigations during the election, especially on Clinton whom he admitted he had nothing on.

The other thing is that top administration operatives are not like CIA/NSA/FBI grunts or lower officers, the classified information exists for them to use. They get advice and counsel, which Trump always ignores, but Policy-making government officers have discretion about classified secrets.

This whole issue is idiotic ... like Trump and his birth certificate thing.
