MovieChat Forums > Anthony Fauci Discussion > Fauci saved millions of reluctant idiots

Fauci saved millions of reluctant idiots


I am not sure that is a good thing.

To top it off, they still blame him for saving their lives...


Don't forget to take your next booster. 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉


Well, this thread didn't age well ha ha.

Do you think the COVID-19 virus came from a Chinese market? Hope. It was engineered. Your hero was part of the engineering project.

Are you a big fan of Big Pharma?

This thread is so old. Dated. Inaccurate. With the information we have now it is WRONG.

That's OK Heisenberg. Everybody makes mistakes. Don't make another one on 11/5. Vote for Donald Trump!



Trump wants to be known as the Father of the Vaccine. That's my main problem with him. He learned nothing.


How can you prove that? You can't.
It can be proven that ivermectin saved lives. People who took it, like myself and my husband, had the oxygen levels in our blood rise, our energy return, our coughing and other symptoms cease. A friend took it prophylactically and never got Covid -- without the shot.
On the other hand, there are a number of people who were damaged by the vaccine. Some died, some will never get their lives back. Watch Mark Steyn's Victims of the Vax special on YouTube.
If a disease can be treated, it's illegal to mandate a vaccine. That's why they tried to brainwash the simple into believing it was "Horse De-Wormer Paste." I took pills, prescribed by a doctor.
Oh -- and they said that the pandemic was hardest on people with darker skin. Sub-Saharan Africa should have been wiped out. But they took IVM prophylactically to ward off malaria, and had done for decades. They weathered the pandemic well.
All this will eventually come out. But people like Fauci never go to prison for their deeds.
Oh -- and watch Dallas Buyer's Club. The bad guy in that movie is Anthony Fauci.
