
The only religion you're allowed to insult.


What in your opinion constitutes an "insult to Christianity" ?


Turn on the television. Go to the movies. You'll find plenty of examples.

But you knew that.


Okay I'll try again. It's impossible to insult Christianity because it has no feelings. Christians on the other hand can feel insulted when they read things about Christianity that they don't like. So that's what you're really talking about, some Christians getting their noses out of joint. But you didn't say that because it doesn't carry the same weight as portraying it as an "insult to Christianity".

Beware of the mindset of the fundamentalist who thinks that it's a crime to blaspheme and that blasphemers should be punished. That is a stupid, backward and counterproductive way of looking at things.


Thank you, Madame School Marm.

First of all, don't be dense. You knew damn well what I meant. Conversations on the Internet would be much more pleasant if people refrained from being disingenuous just to attempt to 'score' a point.

I'm not advocating Christianity not being open to ridicule. Like all organized religions and cults, scrutiny is necessary to prevent institutional abuse(s). If you thought it out (and I believe you're capable of doing so, even if you're pretending here to be a little dumb), you would understand I'm asking why other religions are not open to the same scrutiny.

Take, for instance, oh, I don't know... Islam. Just look at what happens to anyone who questions or critiques Islam.

If that hasn't made my point clear, I suggest going to school and taking classes by professors who know critical thinking doesn't mean "just be nice!".


First of all, don't be dense. You knew damn well what I meant.

No I don't know what you meant because what you said ( Turn on the television. Go to the movies. You'll find plenty of examples. ) was uselessly vague. It didn't specify anything. And then for you to say " But you knew that " ( knew what !? ) is about as disingenuous as it gets. And you have the cheek to accuse me of being disingenuous !

And unless you are incredibly unobservant how could you have missed the current thread on this Board titled:

" So is there a reason people don't post hot-takes about Muhammad and the Quran ? "

Where the topic you are complaining about has been discussed at great length.

I doubt that anyone can be as stupid as you are pretending to be so I guess you are trolling, or something like that.


awww you fragile? theres soo much to criticize. whether its the bible being pro slavery. or Christians embarrassing themselves and being homophobes. how could we not when you are such easy embarrassing targets.


even though the obviousness of it is sooooooo clear i'll explain it for a simpleton like you.

1. we live in the west. where Christianity makes up 90%+ of those religious. For example in the USA jews make up 1%. muslim 1% and christian denominations were 67%. the rest either agnostic, atheist or non affiliated.
2. they have large advocacy groups, interest groups and political power
3. they vote in blocs to influence politics and force their religious "morals on others"

theres a reason western anti-theists dont largely go after Buddhists or hindus or others. but im not against it by any means. I will and have made posts criticizing muslims, especially hijabs. no ridiculous religious group is out of my purview of criticism

how this confused you is stunning....


Be the change you want to see.
