MovieChat Forums > Mitt Romney Discussion > Any Apologies for Mitt?

Any Apologies for Mitt?

During his campaign for president, Romney was attacked for being a fundamentalist, overly-religious wacko. Now, with a Commander-in-Chief hellbent on yelling at random people over twitter, Romney frequently takes stands against him. Mitt Romney is clearly thinking for himself and acting on conscience and common sense/logic. I'm not saying the man is perfect, but he's a far cry from what he was painted as during the campaign.

Anybody running those ads ever apologise for getting Mr. Romney so egregiously wrong?


No shit. He's still a Pro-Lifer AND a Mormon. Look up the Mormon religion itself. It's more Racist than the semitici source material. How they recruit non-whites to their religion when it proclaims that dark skin people are cursed and inferior is beyond my understanding.


The same way Republicans get black people to join their party.


You are judging from a fake image.
