MovieChat Forums > Amber Heard Discussion > She is done for, she will lose this case

She is done for, she will lose this case

Her display on the stand was downright embarrassing. She is such a bad actress that it was beyond obvious that she was acting and force crying. Nobody will buy her sob story, it is over.

She literally shit the bed and can kiss her acting career good bye.


I don't think she is helping herself.

My wife and I are both a bit perplexed by the strategy of dressing like a woman in church in the 1890s on the plains. It might work with the jury, but if I were sitting in the box I would find it a bit disingenuous, like she is trying too hard. If I were her I would have worn a business type outfit, something relatively conservative but not crazy, the kind of outfit one might see in a restaurant near the South Coast Metro area of Orange County at lunch on a weekday. She doesn't need to wear a Vegas/Club outfit, but she is trying too hard with the way she is dressed.

All I can figure is that her PR group thinks she is losing and that she needs to pull out all the stops and shoot the moon.

I'm not judging her, or Depp, on who is right or wrong. I have absolutely no knowledge of what went on in their marriage, I'm just saying that it looks to me like she is trying too hard with that outfit.

Maybe it will help her. Who knows. I'm not in PR and I'm not on the jury. I'm also not an expert in those fields so maybe her attorneys and her PR team know something I don't.


She'll probably be cast as young Hillary in the movie about her.


Not a chance, old Hillary has got that in the bag.


What a stupid post - both of them.


Nah. They were both funny. You just don't have a sense of humor because you're a robot.




She's absolutely torpedoing her career. I have no idea what her angle is with this. She's like a gambler with a losing hand who's all in and talking shit and doesn't have the cards and is just milking the moment for all its worth. Her book she'll write about all this will probably make a fuck ton of money.


Do you think she’s getting good advice from her legal counsel or is she ignoring them or is her legal team inept? The dressing down so she appears like a clerk or librarian is a horrible strategy. Regarding really important events—Not getting the timeline straight. “I remember clearly….” “I can’t recall. It was 2012 not 2013.” Wouldn’t this have been vetted by her attorneys. They (Johnny and Amber) both aren’t honest. But she’s all over the place. “Where did you go to school?” This should be the easy one. [Name of the school - end of story.] Instead, it’s, “I had a scholarship on the other side of town for several Catholic schools. I graduated at 16.” This is suspicious. Is there more than 1 school. Is that because the family moved or could it be her poor behavior. Getting out at 16 - she’s implying she’s so smart. And yet you can tell that she has a terrible inferiority complex.?? The legal team could have done better for her. And I slid across the parakeet (should be parquet) floor? Did they even prepare?


She wasn't a good kid you can find a mugshot of her when she was arrested as a juvenile in Texas.... my understanding is the only way it could happen with a minor's mugshot being out there was it wasn't a first offense.


Regarding really important events—Not getting the timeline straight. “I remember clearly….” “I can’t recall. It was 2012 not 2013.” Wouldn’t this have been vetted by her attorneys. They (Johnny and Amber) both aren’t honest. But she’s all over the place.

They each gave speeches, in response to questions that weren't more complicated than "Did you(insert alleged actions)?" Either their lawyers didn't instruct them point blank to keep their answers succinct, or both Heard and Depp felt the need to perform while on the witness stand


But this new answer came up this week. In testimony last week to: When did Johnny first hit you? She said she remembered it well. It was when they sat on the couch and she remarked to him about wino tattoo. She said he followed up with 3 slaps. She initially said this was in 2013 on the stand. It was not a speech. Then this week she said it was 2012 as she said “she looked at therapist’s notes.” (?) This is vital info. The first time of alleged physical abuse according to her. 2012 was when they both first started dating. So, it suggests that he hit her right out of the gate. And she says the wrong date? How can you remember something so well and then I say I can’t remember almost in the same sentence.

I think she has relevant info to support her case but she needs to be better prepared and accurate.
