MovieChat Forums > Meghan Markle Discussion > Her animated Netflix show has been cance...

Her animated Netflix show has been cancelled before its even been made

So Netflix has cancelled "Pearl," the animated series that was to be executive produced by Meghan Markle. The reason cited is a disappointing first quarter and Netflix losing subscribers. That is to say, Netflix lost 200k subscribers (out of 220 million subscribers, mind you).


The popularity of Markle and Harry has been hugely over estimated! A couple of grifters who don't want to be Royal but lean on the Royal family all the same for credibility. The Queen isn't even allowing them to attend her Jubilee!

Given Markle was never a big star to begin with I don't see a good future for her acting wise. Harry has burned his bridges as well.


Plus it has been years since they signed the contracts but they have yet to roll out any actual content. If H&M had gotten off their asses and made any real headway on this project it probably wouldn’t have gotten the axe.
Cue Netflix woes re Q1 2022.
Cue the waning interest in M&H.
Cue the fact that Harry and Meaghan aren’t any more interested in fulfilling their non royal obligations than their royal ones.

It was inevitable.


They really do appear to just want to be adored for being themselves. They should actually do a show about a woman who achieves the pinnacle of female success by marrying an actual Prince and then goes onto fuck it all up. That would be a very funny show.

Not to mention a Prince who could marry anyone so he marries a 6/10 and I think I am being generous with that rating.

I think they both overestimated their appeal, not to mention they still trade on their Royal connections as much as they like to fight against it. Very confused people.


"They should actually do a show about a woman who achieves the pinnacle of female success by marrying an actual Prince and then goes onto fuck it all up."

Classic! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'd watch that...


Netflix cancelled a ton of projects, including nearly all animated projects so this isn't too surprising.
