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Tucker Carlson Proves Useful Idiot For Putin In Sycophantic Sit-Down (Deadline)

The history lesson of the first half hour was well rehearsed! Later he can't answer question about important meetings. Almost as bad as Biden. We should send Tucker back in time to interview Hitler and Stalin.

Can't wait for Trump to praise Tucker for this fine journalism!

Tucker Carlson‘s just-released interview with Vladimir Putin shows the former Fox News host has left shameless behind for pure sycophancy.

It would be one thing if the much-hyped sit down from the Kremlin was merely fawning, but instead Carlson abdicated any sense of being a significant participant in the interview to let the internationally-scorned Russian president deliver what is for all practical purposes a stump speech. On the handful of occasions when Carlson actually did try to get a word or a question in, Putin knocks him down faster than a shot of vodka at a wedding banquet.

It’s clear from the praise Putin’s interview is receiving from state media in Russia is that Tucker Carlson has proved to be a useful idiot – to note that old Russian expression for someone easily manipulated – to amplify the Kremlin’s version of reality.

Name-dropping Stalin, Dostoyevsky, the slow fall of Roman Empire, and “how Russian people think more about the eternal,” Putin rambled on and on for much of the interview with little interjection or fact checking from the bemused-looking Carlson. In fact, for all Carlson’s incorrect claims that American media aren’t interested in talking to Putin since his invasion of Ukraine two years ago, this near monologue is reminiscent of Oliver Stone’s 2017 reverential Showtime documentary on Putin.

At no point did Carlson challenge Putin, or counter with even the basic fact that Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish and had members of his family killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Putin also said that the bitter war can be over quickly if America would “negotiate.” The frustrated warlord, who saw his own mercenaries revolt at one point, actually claimed here that the war could have been over a while ago. Instead, according to Vladimir Putin, Zelensky’s government “threw away all these agreements and obeyed the instructions of Western countries, European countries and the United States to fight Russia to the bitter end.”

Having set off a firestorm of criticism since he revealed earlier this week that he was in Moscow to talk to Putin ahead of Russia’s latest preordained election, perhaps Carlson was only after the attention the interview has garnered him and his new-ish TCN platform. Much smarter than he commonly lets on, one has to assume that’s one of the main reasons Carlson fumbled most of his opportunity to speak directly with the isolated dictator.


Thank you for posting this article

So on point. Caplson is Useful Idiot for dictatorship regimes. That's all that is.

Can't wait for him to go to North Korea next to sit quietly as a mouse in the corner while their crazy dictator will give 2 hours monologue. Then he can go to Iran. Then to talibs.


Kim is not rich enough to afford Carlsons premium.


Stop parroting that dumb bitch former First Lady and get a life Mr. 22375.
