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Making porn in Russia...


Is Tucker Carlson in Moscow for Putin? The pro-Kremlin crowd hopes so

Conservative polemicist Tucker Carlson, or someone who looks just like him, has been spotted in Moscow, to the great joy of the pro-Kremlin community.

On Sunday, a Telegram channel considered close to Russian law enforcement reported Carlson had flown into Moscow from Istanbul three days earlier. The post, published by Mash, included two photos, supposedly showing Carlson at an airport and another at Moscow’s Bolshoi Theater, where he was said to have attended а ballet performance on Sunday.

Although there has been no official confirmation, pro-Kremlin pundits and military bloggers have relished the news as a sign the former Fox News host is going to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Without exaggerating, it is safe to say that we are in for an epochal event,” the Bezgranichny Analitik Telegram channel wrote. It added that, if it comes about, it would be Putin’s first sit-down interview with a Western journalist since his “special military operation” against Ukraine was launched almost two years ago. “And be assured, this time Putin will be heard by many in the West,” said the post, widely shared by pro-Kremlin bloggers.

Tucker Carlson was better as an actual American than a pro-Russian attention whore. Seeing him on his knees in front of Putin will make his anti-American fans happy I'm sure.


It's scary how those Russians they interviewed say he's the truth teller. Yeah, anyone can be if you're siding for that nation and THEIR agenda. I think it's safe to say fascism is rising everywhere but the left have only themselves to blame. Takes two to tango. Learn from history on how Hitler rose to power via Democratic elections. Only takes one person to undo everything.

If only Tucker was there during the reign of Nazi Germany, he would've interviewed Hitler to hear the truth of it all yeah?


What a pile of twisted garbage.

Hitler was not democratically elected, he assumed power in a "legal" way, but was not elected by the people. Sort of like if Trump won the next election by his elector scheme, it would be judged by history to be "legal" but it is an outside consortium of power brokers breaking and abusing the system.


Who thinks his disruption of the election and his attempt to use fake electors was legal? I think the fake electors do not think it was legal. VP Pence did not think it was legal. The people who plead guilty to the rioting during the insurrection probably don't think it was legal either.


And yet it is not an insurrection for purposes to protecting the American people from electing Trump to a second term - as written in the law.


What are you talking about?


are they fisting?


To put information out to the American public for a foreign leader is not - "pro-Russian attention whore"

Take it or leave it or listen to it and criticize it, but you have no right to claim you know what you're talking about if you don't know what was said.

Explain why without relying on words from the media why it is a bad thing that Tucker Carlson spoke with Putin?


Putting out lies that favor Russia means Carlson is an attention whore. Is it really too much as ask that Carlson be more pro-America than pro-Russia?

I have every right to say whatever I please, provided that I do not violate the law. Did you know that one of the nice things about living in the USA is that I can do whatever I please unless it violates the law? If you don't, then what kind of commie are you then?

It is a bad thing that Carlson lies and people believe his lies. Lying is bad. Understand?


There were no lies in that interview. If disagreement for some - it is public and in the open.

Your attack on other's free speech indicates you are the commie.


I was talking about past lies Carlson has told.

How is saying what I want, attacking "other's free speech"? Carlson is still free to say what he wants even when I insult hm and call him a liar.

I think you don't understand the phrase "free speech". Free speech does not mean freedom from ridicule or freedom from consequences. What kind of delicate snowflake world do you want this to be?
