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Fox News Sends Cease And Desist Letter To Tucker Carlson Over His Twitter Show

Harmeet Dhillon, an attorney representing Carlson, said in a statement, “Fox News continues to ignore the interests of its viewers, not to mention its shareholder obligations. Doubling down on the most catastrophic programming decision in the history of the cable news industry, Fox is now demanding that Tucker Carlson be silent until after the 2024 election. Tucker will not be silenced by anyone — whether it be Media Matters, the ADL or Fox News.”

Carlson was Fox News’s top personality, and his latest Twitter show drew almost 55 million views, although that doesn’t necessarily mean that the full video was watched. Dhillon argued that Carlson was being threatened “for speaking, for free” on Twitter. Elon Musk wrote last month that “we have not signed a deal of any kind whatsoever” with Carlson, but he’s been inviting media personalities from the left to start their own shows.

Carlson’s executive producer said that the host’s next Twitter episode will drop on Tuesday, and focus on former President Donald Trump’s federal indictment.


Hilarious. Hope they will sue him for 800 millions


Fox has provided Tucker with free publicity for his new show.


IMO the only party that has any legitimate course of legal action is Fox shareholders. They should sue Fox for dereliction of their fiduciary duty in firing Tucker..
