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Teaming up with Elon Musk, announces upcoming show on Twitter



Good luck in oblivion.


3:42 PM · May 9, 2023

lol sure!


Yeah, sure.Its not like it was proven 100 times that Twitter has like 70% of fake users-bots. Sometimes they check celebrities and how much real followers they have and there is like 70% of fake ones. Thats why celebrity with 100 millions of followers may have posrts with few thousands likes.

Same with viewers. I wont be even surprised if Musk will just alter numbers for Tucker The Idiot to make it seem like everyone are watching. For some time, He is THAT obsessed.

No, 130 millions of people didnt watch that clip. And 130 millions of people will not watch his other videos.

Mainly it trump fans watching it over and over. Or coming to check if he released new video and video starts automatically and it counts. And fake cheats. His Youtube views were closer to reality. He had less than 1 million views and FoxNews had a ratings of like 2 millions. Thats the real numbers.

And what you need to see under those 130 millions is other numbers
196,4 тыс. retweets
26,1 тыс. quotes
906,5 тыс. likes

So 900 k watched that video and put like on it. Thats your real numbers with others from his previous job.

Not to mention he still has 7.5 millions of subscribers. Some freaking Cara Delevingne has like 9 millions. And she posts there like once in 6 month.

So yes hon, this is Oblivion. He'll try to sit on Twitter for some time and release some videos. And 1 million of his fanatics will watch it. Out of 340 millions of USA population. But its not the same publicity as when he was on TV. Remember Conan O’Brien? Me neither. He was some comic who got very popular when he was on prime time show. Then he was fired and went to smaller channel and we rarely heard of him again after that. Ammount of audience and relevance was just not the same. This is what waits for Tucker "russiian slut" Carlson.


He's not teaming up with him. There is no deal signed. He's just using it as a platform to generate income for himself. Elon even encourages left wingers to do the same.
