MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > Carlson came off as a partisan hack toni...

Carlson came off as a partisan hack tonight.

Yeah, Tucker Carlson is generally too far right for my world view.

But he's entertaining. And he's been spot-on on some issues, one being his opposition to U.S. support for Ukraine. So I've taken to watching him lately.

However tonight I was reminded why I never liked the guy.

He condemned Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan, tacitly saying that the Biden administration was purposely trying to create tension with China. I was appalled at his weakness on this one. I was worried that Pelosi would cancel her trip, appeasing China and making the U.S. look weak. And most Republicans urged her to go.

So why this sniveling cowardice on Carlson's part all a sudden? He should be backing Pelosi in the face of Chinese bluster. She's showing true support for our ally Taiwan. Instead he implies Pelosi is senile.

Love her or hate her. But Nancy Pelosi is a strong figure in Congress. Yeah, I understand concerns over Biden's doddering performance. But it's a cheap shot to apply this cynicism to every Democrat over 70. He's not calling Trump senile.

It makes me realize that Tucker Carlson is not espousing objective views on international relations here. He just knee jerk opposes anything done by a Democrat.

Wow Tucker, thanks for being a partisan hack who puts his hatred for Biden and Pelosi ahead of American interests.


Good for you, Onan. I don’t know how you can watch Tucker, but respect the fact you can see through his partisan bullshit. Damn do I wish more people could…

Exactly, it’s Country over party. That’s the way it should be at least. People like Tucker root for the failure of America when it’s under Dem leadership, just so they can whine/moan & get more viewers/$$$. It’s pathetic.


Tucker reminds me of Cartman (from South Park) - Over the top, selfish, and mean-spirited; yet still expects a vast audience to hang on every word spoken.

Tucker is a caricature to me, and it’s astounding to me that anyone really cares about what he has to say - Kinda of in the same way that anyone would be astounded that Cartman has any friendships (or any kind of audience) to begin with.


Like I said he's entertaining. I do agree with him that American aid to Ukraine is a mistake. And I'm a Democrat but I believe Biden and Harris were the worst two possible choices to represent Democrats in 2020. And I like Carlson's snide critique of Biden & Harris.

But tonight he was cringe and just so apparent. Pelosi is being a true statesman in Taiwan right now.
