MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > Doesn't know what Replacement Theory is ...

Doesn't know what Replacement Theory is anymore.

“You’ve heard a lot about the great replacement theory recently, it’s everywhere … we’re still not sure exactly what it is,” the host said Tuesday

Yep, Carlson is a coward. One of his followers and a devotee of replacement theory decided to shoot a bunch of black people. Carlson was unable to spin it in a positive manner, so he decides to pretend that he did not push replacement theory on his show hundreds of times and now expects his listeners to believe he does not know what it is.

Yes, Carlson believes his listeners are indeed that stupid. This will not sink him though. Plenty of rabid-dog racists are still clamoring for guidance on how to think. So they will continue to watch his show.


Even he doesn't believe in Replacement Theory. He just has to say something to keep his unintelligent audience. They will believe anything as long as it denounces a minority. Just any excuse. Fox News is the first to realize the ineptitude of their followers and have them brainwashed.

Have you noticed not a single major leading republican has condemned that horrible act. They stay silent, and that within itself is telling.


The replacement plan was common knowledge, long before Carlson started talking about it.
However, the recent Buffalo tragedy is a convenient media scapegoat to bemoan both 'gun law' and 'Tucker Carlson'

I'm more amazed at how the media (rightfully, btw) refer to incidents like this as 'racially motivated' ....yet when the colours are reversed...they *always* claim that black gunmen have mental health issues (or were lone wolves) and never examples of "Black supremacy"

And I'll wager that said media won't batt an eyelid (nor cry for the loss of black lives) when the same amount of black people get shot *this* upcoming weekend alone (in Chicago)


So this relates to Trucker Carlson pleading "stupid" how?

What will you say if someone posts reactions of the media to the upcoming murders next week?


Do you think the western world imports half of the third world out of empathy?

As per usual, the (democrat ran) media are running wild with Carson's comments on 'white replacement' (even to the extent of counting the exact number of times he's mentioned it, in Congress no less) shame they didn't do likewise with comments by Maxine Waters, Madonna or the many 'death to trump' rappers at the time.

Carlson isn't dumb. He knows exactly that the media/government would gladly exploit the Buffalo tragedy for their own ends. In any war, one may have to retreat.

The Buffalo shooter was clearly racist and insane and would have likely shot people up, regardless if Carlson hosted a straight-up cookery show. Your rationale suggests that everyone who watches Carlson are 'Telefon' agents, trained to kill on buzzwords. I wonder who Antifa blame for their violent outbursts? (It's certainly not Fox News) but democrats don't care to cite....let alone castigate such sources (how convenient, eh?)
It's more worrying that Carlson detractors would turn a blind eye to mass *illegal* immigration, that brings more crime, death and rape to their shores....than even consider the notion, that perhaps the government may want to replace You?

Trust me, you'll read more about any upcoming massacres in Chicago on "right wing' media outlets....Because (as constantly proven) Black lives only matter , on the rare occasions that white people take them......or if people like Tucker Carlson point stuff like this out?

Please remember that Carlson is accusing a WHITE government for said replacement?


I thought Fox was running wild by giving airtime to a freak show like Tucker Carlson.

Carlson is not dumb. He does think that you (and everyone else) listening to him is stupid though.

My rationale is that Carlson acts like his listeners are stupid and some of them are. You can keep your pop culture telefon crap to yourself and others who don't care about the truth.

You keep on missing the point. Carlson was the "expert" on replacement theory until that shooting. Now he claims to not know what it is.
