MovieChat Forums > Joss Whedon Discussion > It's always the male feminists...

It's always the male feminists...

Sooner or later, that guy who waves the flag for neutered manhood the most is the one who turns out to be the biggest creep.


what a load of complete horseshit.

There are plenty of far worse creeps in your mysogonist woman hating demographic


Talking aint walking. If you actually are the thing, you dont go around telling everyone you are. They'll know it based on word of mouth or observing your actions.




It's a fine example of virtue-signaling. Basically, the scenario is, you've got a male asshole who has an ego the size of Mount Everest, has never appreciated women and loves using them, objectifying them, and having power over them.

However, he knows that he's in trouble when the women rise up with movements like #metoo and #timesup, so he's gotta do something to cover his ass. So he'll run around, pretending he supports them, shows off how considerate he is towards women (when he was never like that to start with) and he is so comfortable in the "power" he wields, that he truly thinks nobody will look into his background and find out that he's a fake.

That's pretty much what happened to Joss Whedon, and probably other less famous guys have been weighed and measured by the feminazi mob and found wanting.
