MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > So he even has to lie about his pathetic...

So he even has to lie about his pathetic fundraising numbers!!

Trump Campaign Reports To FEC It Collected $24.5 Million – About Half Of Its Earlier Boast

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign reported third-quarter receipts of $24.5 million to the Federal Election Commission on Sunday — a little more than half of the $45.5 million number it bragged about earlier this month.


This is legit and unlaundered money so its going to be less.


They are lying about Trump's behavior. Man has never committed serious crimes worthy of attention, and he only ever lied because it's a requirement for career politicians. People falsely claim he's a habitual liar.


[–] Patman111196 (949) a few seconds ago
.. and he only ever lied because it's a requirement for career politicians. People falsely claim he's a habitual liar.
Yes, indeed DJT Lies about Lying because he is a Liar.

Oh yes, he does it habitually because he suffers from NPD.

Even given your false and derogatory statement of the requirement that career politicians lie, DJT was good at lying BEFORE being president because he was a PROFESSIONAL liar. 😎

Oh, and Grifter. He was/is a Liar and Grifter.
