MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump's one life wish will be granted re...

Trump's one life wish will be granted regardless of what happens to him

He'll pass away knowing that he became the most popular and famous person in the world, as he planned since day one. No one will forget that he was literally God. He'll not regret any of the damage he may be liable for because it worked to his advantage in the long run, even if not now.


Thats why Trump is awesome and thats why he needs to be President soon.


That's exactly why he wanted to be President, he craved being the top recognized leader that everyone would know and acknowledge. He was fortunate enough to be leader for 4 years. It must have REALLY killed him inside to be forced to give up his leadership to the point where he made a huge ruckus about it, rather than denying the results in a calm and patient manner. A very persistent man Trump is. He doesn't take shit from anyone at all.


The election was stolen, so yeah it was hard to give up. Tell me more about Trump.


Pillows, ninjas and mules
