MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How many think Diapers will perjure hims...

How many think Diapers will perjure himself in front of the Senate?

Now that Donnie Diapers has caved, and will sit in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee next month, how many think he will perjure himself?

It's not going to be easy for him- he's going to have to tell the truth about the T-rump Tower Meeting and The T-rump Moscow Tower Meeting.

So once he sits in front of them and shits his pants and wets himself, does he commit perjury or not?

What say Rethuglikkkans?


He better suit himself up with some heavy duty diapers as he sits there and begins to shit there when he perjures himself. Hey Don Juan, I hate to state the obvious but it's only a perjury trap if you LIE......

I'm sure daddy dearest will be able to wipe it all up with that comb over...


He's the son of the of king of perjury and has Rudy Bigmouth Giuliani in his corner...he's screwed. LOL!


Yes let’s hope he follows Rudy’s advice! He will he in the slammer in minutes.


Have you ever seen the list of his lies while in office? Thousands!!!


Like Giuliani always says - "Truth isn't truth". And Conway says he delivers 'alternate facts'.
