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Trump wants to avoid shutdown - will find another way to fund border wall

Art of the Deal? Lmao. Trump is such a clown. I called it. At this point who is going to like him? He has made pretty much everyone hate him and his own supporters can support him only for so long before they have enough too.




"President Trump on Tuesday retreated from his demand for $5 billion to build a border wall"--Just HOW many times have we read something similar these past two years? Ronald McDonald Trump just won't face the cold hard reality that his moronic, retarded, stupid as fck "great wall" will NEVER EVER be built.

Orange fcking moron.


The wall would work.

Here is an Arizona desert:

What is your solution to fix that? That goes on for miles and miles.


I say we build a really REALLY tall wall on every edge of the country, to prevent us from leaving!


Derpa derp. Cool post bro.
