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What? T-rumps Zina Bash flashes “ white power “ sign behind Kavanaugh

At today’s senate hearing for Judge Kavanaugh, did T-rumps security adviser Zina Bash openly give the neo-Nazi “ white power sign “ as she sat behind Kavanaugh to let them know “ this is our man” ? Twitter picked up on it, as it’s now trending. Rethuglikkkans are saying “no”.


Why has Bash's husband US Attorney John Bash used his professional 'US Attorney' Twitter account to defend his wife? On taxpayer's time?


Its a 4chan troll....always was. I can't believe people are still falling for this.


Pepe the frog started out as a liberal creation. The media caught on to the fact that some white supremecisists - it was a popular meme - had used it. Now it’s been banned in some places as a racist symbol.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the media keeps this going for a while.


It's an odd way to position her fingers, but I don't see anything about the situation that calls for her to make the symbol right then and there. I would need something more to go on.


The fact that she and her husband are in overdrive to prove her “ innocence” on something that looks so “ ordinary “ to them says enough. Most innocent people would just let the commotion fizzle out on its own. They wouldn’t react like them.


I hear ya, but I see most Trumpsters as being automatically over-reactionary. They put all their chips on a guy thinking he would fix a problem when they didn't even think about what the problem was. Whenever they see someone criticize him or themselves, they react with their blindfolds on.

The other part of it is how they all follow the pack. If one Trumpster overreacts in their defense of Trump or his base, they all jump in and do the same. That's how they get to where Mueller and Comey are secret democrats. They've overreacted their way to everyone who is against Trump is now part of the Deep State. Logic and reasoning just doesn't apply to these people.


I want to say here the far-Wrong Republicans have created a toxic atmosphere and are now complaining because their "chickens have come home to roost." One of the many instances is when that undoubtedly paid idiot Joe Wilson broke decorum and yelled "You lie !" at the President in 2009.
This has all been compounded by this joke-in-residence with his endless ranting and bald-faced lying, his birther claims we are supposed to ignore now, the fake news garbage calling the NY Times, in existence for over 150 years with 125 Pulitzer Prizes, "Failing," constantly insulting minorities while claiming successes beyond his influence -- it's all absurd. We need to battle against this Brave New World. It's not normal, it's a dystopia. And the Republicans have been pushing for it for decades.
